Final Exam:  Monday 5/2/11 at 10:30 am
   in GH 205

Class on Thursday is optional.

Final Exam topics

1. Why RMI doesn't work on the internet
  Other options than Rails:
    - JSP, ASP, Java Server Page
    - .net
    - Django (python)
    - PhP

2. Simple Ruby Question (Write code/hashes)

3. Model/View/Controller Design Pattern

4. Rails

       - interprets the HTML params
       - routes
       - accessing "permanent" data
          - session
          - cookies  (no code)
          - database 
       - A new instance of the controller
           is created with each HTTP access
       - no questions on filters
       - no questions on redirect/render

       - assume the view with the same
           name as the controller is used
       - placement of Ruby code in an HTML
       - displaying values from the 
           controller's object in a page
       - simple submit form
           - text field and a submit button
           - method: POST vs. GET 
       - main database interface
       - how the model is accessed
       - rails API to use the database
       - knowledge of SQL not required

Two sides of note on 8.5 x 11 inch paper
 are allowed for the final.