/* * ConcertDriver.java * Lab6 * * @name // Add your name and your Partner Name * @date * * Be sure to comment out sections of code that don't work before * you turn in your solution, since you get no points if your * program doesn't compile. See instructions for each of the problems * below. */ /* Running this program will output this: * * Name: Your Name * Lab 6 , By Fadi Almasalha */ public class ConcertDriver { public static void main(String args[]) { // Replace my name with yours in the statement below System.out.println( "Name: YOUR NAME!!! \n" + "Lab 6 , By Fadi Almasalha \n" ); // Create some dates, and use them to create some concerts // Date( concert date , concert name , concert cost) Date theDate = new Date( 12, 29, 2008 ); Concert beatlesReunion = new Concert( theDate, "Beatles", 300 ); Date secondDate = new Date( 1,1,2009 ); Concert londonPhilharmonic = new Concert( secondDate, "London", 35 ); // Create a concert based on another existing concert Concert beatlesSecond = new Concert( beatlesReunion); // 1 point if your program runs to here // Print out the concert info // example Beatles will play on 12 29 2008 and it will cost $300 System.out.println( beatlesReunion ); System.out.println( beatlesSecond ); System.out.println( londonPhilharmonic ); System.out.println( "" ); //extra 1 point if your program runs to here // Compare two concerts if( beatlesReunion.equals( beatlesSecond)) { System.out.println("These two concerts are equal. \n"); } else { System.out.println("These two concert are not equal. \n"); } // Compare two concerts if( beatlesReunion.equals( londonPhilharmonic)) { System.out.println("These two concerts are equal. \n"); } else { System.out.println("These two concert are not equal. \n"); } System.out.println( "Done With Lab6. \n" ); //extra 1 point if your program runs to here }//end main }//end class ConcertDriver