Terrain Viewer Documentation

Prepared for CS 526 by John Bell, Spring 2004

Project Background:

This project involved visualizing terrain data, available as image files. ( One file containing elevation information in a "gray scale" format, and a separate file containing imagery suitable for a texture map. ) For further details see the original project assignment.

Sample Visualization Output:

Contours Only ( During Interactive Rotations ):

User Interface:

SubTasks Accomplished:

Difficulties Encountered & Possible Future Improvements:

System Architecture and Major Source Code Files

The system is designed along the Model-View-Controller Paradigm, with the following key files in each portion. Note that for the Java code, there are also associated C++ files to implement the Java-Native Interface. These files essentially contain methods that are members of the Java classes, but which are written in C++, and which are therefore able to call on other C++ class methods. ( E.g. so the Controller and View written in Java can send messages to the Model written in C++. )




Building and Running the Application

Building and running this application requires three main steps:

  1. Compile and link all of the C++ files, and store the results in a DLL file. The Microsoft Studio files TerrainViewerModel.dsw and TerrainViewerModel.dsp should provide this functionality with the "build" button, which should generate the file TerrainViewerModel.dll.
  2. Compile the Java modules, which requires the following commands from the command line:
  1. Run the program from the command line: