Special Topics in Computer Graphics


  1. Dick Oliver, "FractalVision - Put Fractals to Work for You", Sams Publishing, 1992.

Up to this point we have covered some of the basic fundamentals of computer graphics: Drawing pixels to a buffer, 3D polygon and camera coordinates specifications, lighting & shading models, texture maps, etc. This page looks at some special topics that go beyond the basics, and at some of the followup courses students may want to take next.


  1. Define the region in the complex plane to be searched. The entire Mandelbrot set is contained within the space +/- 2.0 +/- 1.5 j. ( The letter j is used for the complex square root of -1 to avoid confusion with the incrementation variable i to be used shortly. ) Define also the resolution with which to sub-divide the space.
  2. For each point in the space:
    1. set Z_0 equal to X + Yj.
    2. Apply the recursion relation Z_i = ( Z_i-1 )^2 + Z_0, until either the new Z_i exits the circle of radius 2.0 centered about the origin, or until the maximum number of iterations has been exceeded, ( counting the number of iterations required as the recursion progresses. )
    3. Color the pixel according to how many iterations it took to exit the circle, usually using a mod function into a list of colors if the point exited the circle, and black otherwise.
  3. Based on the resulting image, select a new smaller region to examine, and repeat the process.
  4. All those points for which the regression never leaves the circle define the Mandelbrot set. It can be shown that this set has infinite amount of detail, no matter how small an inspection area you choose to look at.

Scientific Visualization


Virtual Reality

moved to a separate page

Human-Computer Interaction

Game Development

GPU Programming