Star Trek episode plot generator ------------------------------------- Written by Karl Brown, copyright 1992 (not) Please copy freely. If you make any additions, or have any comments, please send them to me at: -- Karl Wilhelm Brown |Snail Mail: |"Reba took the ladle for Stanford University |PO Box 11008 |a taste of her creation E-mail: |Stanford, CA 94309 |'cause she knew that what |(415)-497-0654 |she made would be the "I'd rather be rich than | |finest in the nation." stupid." | | --Phish ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ { ; } { While enroute to in order to ; During a routine of the ; After arriving at the paradise planet of ; While ferrying a ambassador to the ; Upon the ship's arrival at which is colonized by ; After beaming down to , ; } { scientists studying , ; overgrown children with genetic dysfunctions, ; hardened criminals from a brutal society, ; creatures who only speak in binary, ; monsters from the movie Alien, ; people trying to sell used , ; } { runs into a ; encounters a vastly superior intelligence named who puts them on trial. ; meets a bent on destroying the Enterprise. ; is suddenly swallowed into a time vortex connecting to the year ; is struck by a severe case of . ; is shocked by an unexplainable power surge emanating from . ; is suddenly possessed by a being of pure energy who attempts to interface with the main computer. ; notices a rush party going on. ; } { Due to the brilliant insight of , the problem is solved by ; Thanks to the boy genius Nick, all danger is removed by ; With minutes to spare, they solve the mystery by ; In a flash of insight, someone decides that the best solution is by ; Saving the day, is able to simulaneously juggle penguins while ; } { 1987. ; 1992. ; 2024. ; 1492. ; 1776. ; 5000 B.C. ; 1066. ; 1215. ; 0, taking the place of Christ. ; 325. ; 2453.67.4.099. ; } { ; A ; B ; C ; D ; E ; F ; G ; H ; I ; J ; K ; L ; M ; N ; O ; P ; Q ; R ; S ; T ; U ; V ; W ; X ; Y ; Z ; } { first inter-galactical convention on multi-culturalism, ; local Burger King, ; nearest J.C. Penny outlet, ; peace talks at , ; friendly neighborhood factory for inspection, ; his favorite dormitory, Larkin, ; } { using Guinan's hat as a weapon. ; re-integrating the positive emulators. ; cutting to a commercial. ; splicing 's genes with those of and stirring slowly. ; using Data's secret code, . ; hooking up Geordi's visor to the ship's sensor array. ; letting Wesley warp time-space. ; modifying the main deflector dish to emulate a . ; by mixing with grape juice and pouring it into . ; } { holodeck ; turbolift ; Mutara nebula ; Crab nebula ; ten-forward food replicator ; warp engine coils ; Zurbansky wave field transducers ; magnetic flux generator ; fractal ripple wave coefficient translator ; giant mirror ; power source ; magnifying glass ; Mac IIsi ; } { And thus, the Enterprise continues undaunted in its mission. ; Continuing onwards, the brave crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise surveys the surrounding planets. ; And they all lived happily every after. ; Signing their names in blue laser-ink on the screen, the hardy crew sails off into the sunset. ; Even though the red-clad security officer is no longer with them, the crew continues on its mission. ; After that close call, Picard and his top advisors decide to shoot for putting the Enterprise in jeopardy. ; Severly wounded, is brought to Starbase , with warnings never to use the holodeck for those purposes again. ; Then, the director yells 'cut,' and they all go home to their little yuppie lives. ; } { the Enterprise ; a red-clad expendable security officer ; Captain Picard ; Commander Riker ; Lt. Georgi LaForge ; Lt. Cmdr. Data ; Bob ; renegade hacker Nick Parlante ; Counselor Troi ; Wesley Crusher ; Beverly Crusher ; Lt. O'Brian ; O'Brian's obnoxious wife ; Guinan ; Lt. Yar ; Johan Rade ; Spock (!) ; } { Cryos-1B ; Farpoint station ; Fort Lewis ; Rura Pente ; Gnome, Alaska ; Governor's Corner ; the Yukon territory ; Gradsydansk, Siberia ; } { discombobulation of 'film noir' genre movies ; emitted from ; weird-looking thingy ; being mysteriously influenced by "'s" ; } { radiation ; ; } { Wesley's ; the waste disposal system ; their dog's rear-end ; a dimension beyond sight and sound ; the center of the planet ; Troi's left toe ; a virtual black hole ; } { neutrino ; photon ; neutron ; positron ; negatron ; electron ; gluon ; muon ; boson ; tachyon ; dechyon ; meson ; proton ; } { flux packets ; field vibration ; ray variation ; sub-light energy transfer ; } { alpha ; beta ; zeta ; gamma ; delta ; iota ; theta ; epsilon ; mu ; omega ; } { forehead ; arm ; nose ; armpit ; knee ; belly button ; sub-belly button region ; bicep ; } { Paradisio ; Edenela ; oodles of skantily clad ; waitresses in high heels ; nude amazons running amok ; blonde of questionable moral fiber ; } { tanned ; rippling ; smooth-skinned ; busty ; bronzed ; lycra-wearing ; } { women ; men ; CS Instructors ; Nick clones ; } { Achbaratek ; Cyrius-9 ; Zorgon-B ; Ceti-Alpha 6 ; Gilliam ; Zmygthorgar ; Xeriogthylicus ; Plyumanimus ; Bargmydius ; Karnov-2 ; } { save the dying inhabitants from the ; drop off ; initialize trade agreements with the inhabitants ; share federation scientific discoveries, including the ; } { ; brand new ; new and improved Crest ; } { tri-corder ; phaser ; inter-phase relay processer ; enlightener ; pencil sharpener ; foot massager ; stapler ; MIDI input-enhancer ; } { Buicks ; Porsches ; Hyundais ; Yugos ; } { ; boredom ; food service poisoning ; } { Novbrovian ; Grymovian ; Drysilic ; Crylithian ; Karnovian ; Cerian ; Bargmydian ; Klyothilic ; Klingon ; Romulan ; Zorgonian ; Icthylian ; Ferengi ; } { fever ; plague ; death spots ; bleeding, puss-filled wounds ; neurosis ; STD ; } { those little bottle of bactine ; some really trippy drugs ; a new supply of advil ; Beverly Crusher ; a hypo-syringe that presses drugs into your body using air pressure ; } { computer simulation ; level diagnostic check ; on-line status trial ; recalibration ; analysis ; } { vertical sim-axis ; bipolar coterminal ; differential axiomatic matrix ; sub-photonic ; time-space field flux ; anti-matter flow rate ; post-hypnotic positron inducer ; neural gluon mass transfer ; } { one ; two ; three ; four ; five ; six ; seven ; eight ; nine ; ten ; }