CS 441  Distributed Object Programming Fall 2004

Instructor: Patrick Troy         
Office  919 SEO 
Phone :  (312) 996-8521      
Email: troy@uic.edu  or troy@cs.uic.edu 
Class times: 9:30 - 10:45 T,Th A5 LC
Office Hours: 1:30 - 3:30 T,Th

TA: Yong Mao
Email: ymao1@uic.edu    
Office Hours: 4:00-5:00 pm Tuesday, 3:00-4:00 pm Friday, study room in CS lab (to get there, you first go into CS lab through door 2250 or 2260 of SEL, then go through the door beside the printer in the lab into a room with study desks)

Final Exam

Tuesday December 7, 2004, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in LC A5


COM and CORBA Side by Side Architectures, Strategies, and Implementations, Jason Pritchard, Addison Wesley Publ., ISBN 0-201-37945-7

Course Description

Design and implementation of distributed object programs using middleware software standards; interface definition languages and programming language mappings; static and dynamic object communication mechanisms.


1. Sockets and Socket Programming
2. RMI Programming
3. Distributed Object Programming


Homework Assignments (Approx. 5) 
45% Midterm Oct. 19, 2004 25% 
Final Dec. 7, 2004 (tba) 30%

100% - 90.0% Grade A
89.9% - 80.0% Grade B
79.9% - 70.0% Grade C
69.9% - 60.0% Grade D
59.9% - 0% Grade

 Note:Final letter grades will be assigned based on the total number of point earned during the semester. The letter grades will be assigned on a curve that will be no higher than those shown above in the box.


Course Policies


Assignment grading information


            1  All About Sockets (From Sun Java site)
2  Sockets programming in Java: A tutorial