Home Page for

MTWF 3:00 - 3:50 in SES 230
Please feel free to look at the class description.

Pat Troy
Teaching Assistant
Dave Haas office hours : T&R 1-3pm in SEO 1330

11 / 10 / 99 - The final exam will be held on Wednesday, 12/8/99, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm, in LC-F4

11 / 10 / 99 - Extra Credit for MP 5 (worth 15 points)

10 / 7 / 99 - You might want to see this nice AVL tree applet. It makes it easier to visualize how the functions work.

Here is another AVL Tree applet. It does not show the values in the nodes like the previous applet, but it does deletion in the manner desired by our assignment.

Links for  Assignment 1
Submit using the Unix command : turnin -c eecs360a -p mp1 <source files>
Don't forget to specify the compiler used in your source comments
Link to spelltest.c
Link to spellword
Link to g++ tips!
Link to wordlist for MP 4. More words may be added to this file (or another file may get created).
Link to biglist for all of the words of 5 letter or less from /usr/dict/words.

For additional information, call, write or email:

The University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Science and Engineering Offices
851 South Morgan Street (M/C 154)
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7053

ph: 312/996-3422, info@eecs.uic.edu