Macros in make

The make program allows you to use macros, which are similar to variables, to store names of files. The format is as follows:
OBJECTS = data.o io.o main.o
Whenever you want to have make expand these macros out when it runs, type the following corresponding string $(OBJECTS).

Here is our sample Makefile again, using a macro.

OBJECTS = data.o main.o io.o
project1: $(OBJECTS)
        cc $(OBJECTS) -o project1
data.o: data.c data.h
        cc -c data.c
main.o: data.h io.h main.c
        cc -c main.c
io.o: io.h io.c
        cc -c io.c
You can also specify a macro's value when running make, as follows:
make 'OBJECTS=data.o newio.o main.o' project1
This overrides the value of OBJECTS in THE Makefile


Last updated on Wednesday, June 21, 1995 by Ben Y. Yoshino
Copyright © 1995 University of Hawai`i, College of Engineering, Computer Facility
All rights reserved.