Predefined rules

By itself, make knows already that in order to create a .o file, it must use cc -c on the corresponding .c file. These rules are built into make, and you can take advantage of this to shorten your Makefile. If you just indicate just the .h files in the dependency line of the Makefile that the current target is dependent on, make will know that the corresponding .c file is already required. You don't even need to include the command for the compiler.

This reduces our Makefile further, as shown:

OBJECTS = data.o main.o io.o
project1: $(OBJECTS)
        cc $(OBJECTS) -o project1
data.o: data.h
main.o: data.h io.h
io.o: io.h
One thing to consider, however, is that when you are compiling programs on Wiliki, you may wish to add a CFLAGS macro at the top of your Makefile to enable the compiler to use ANSI standard C compilation. The macro looks like this:
This will allow make to use ANSI C with the predefined rules.


Last updated on Wednesday, June 21, 1995 by Ben Y. Yoshino
Copyright © 1995 University of Hawai`i, College of Engineering, Computer Facility
All rights reserved.