CS 107 - Turnin Command

The turnin command allows you to submit programs electronically for grading. The basic of turnin are that you need to know three things:
  1. A course name
  2. A project name
  3. The name of the file to be submitted
For CS 107, the course name will be troy. The project name will be given on the write-up for each assignment. You can name the file anything you would like as long as it compiles with the command: g++ filename.

Assume the file to be submitted is called windchill.cpp the command to turn it in is:

     turnin -c troy -p mp1 windchill.cpp
To verify whether the turnin command was successful, use the verify option with turnin:
     turnin -c troy -p mp1 -v
This will show you the file that was submitted for project mp1 for the course troy