CS 101 - Intro to Computing, Spring 2008

Lab 12

Lab Assignment

Due: Tuesday 4/15/2008 by 11:59 pm

For this lab assignment, complete the following:

  1. Using a single turtle, write out your initials on an image/world. Each letter needs to drawn in a different color. This lab is assuming your initials have 3 letters. If you don't have three letters for your initials, add a number to get it to at least three initials.

    The key to this lab is to write the letters using very "blocky" upper case letters. For example:

    I made letters that were 100 pixels high and 50 pixels wide. I also put a space of 25 pixels between each letter and left a space of 25 pixels around the border. I also set the width of the pen to be a little thicker than the default size of 1 pixel wide. Remember to keep the pen up between letters and to change the color of the pen.

    For examples on color usage, remember to check out the java examples from Lecture on April 8th and the Java Sun Web Page on Color.

    Be sure to change comment with the name of the author to contain the following:

  2. You are also to submit the Java file electronically by using the UNIX turnin command.

    To use the UNIX turnin command to electronically hand-in your html file using the project name of lab12. To submit the file in <filename> for lab12, the turnin command is entered as:

         turnin -c cs101 -p lab12 <filename>
    To verify what you submitted using the turnin command type:
         turnin -c cs101 -p lab12 -v

There is a Finger Exercise based on this lab.

Grading Criteria