Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (Mobi-Dik)

We are facing an unprecedented proliferation of mobile devices, many equipped with unregulated wireless technologies such as Bluetooth or 802.11. This environment will enable a new class of local search-and-discover applications that are independent of an infrastructure or a database server. In this project we are researching and developing a platform, called MOBI-DIK, for supporting such applications.

Let us observe that local search-and-discover arises in many application domains including social networks, transportation, mobile electronic commerce, emergency response, asset tracking and management, and mobile collaborative work. For example, in a large professional, political, or social gathering, the technology is useful to automatically facilitate a face-to-face meeting based on matching profiles; or for sending free SMS messages. In transportation, the Mobi-dik incorporated in navigational devices can be used to disseminate to other similarly-equipped vehicles information about relevant resources such as free parking slots, traffic jams and slowdowns, available taxicabs, and ride sharing opportunities. In mobile electronic commerce, Mobi-dik is useful to match buyers and sellers in a mall, or to trade data (e.g. music files) and knowledge. In emergency response, Mobi-dik can be used by first responders to support rescue efforts even when the fixed infrastructure is inoperative; it will match specific needs with expertise (e.g. burn victim and dermatologist), and help locate victims. In asset management, sensors mounted on neighbouring smart artifacts (e.g. containers) can communicate and transitively relay alerts to remote check-points.

For a slide presentation of Mobi-Dik (MOBIle DIscovery of Knowledge about local resources), click here .

The project is partly supported by NSF Grants 0513736, 0847680, 0957394, and 0209190.

The project is directed by Ouri Wolfson. Other participants include graduate students Hu Cao (DBLP entry), Huabei Yin (DBLP entry), Leon Stenneth, and research scientist Dr. Bo Xu (DBLP entry).

Publications on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing

Software for generating realistic synthetic trajectories

Real trajectory data

Contact me at wolfson at cs.uic dot edu