Installation Guide

The UDT library is distributed with source code, example applications, and documentation. Currently the source code can be compiled on both Linux and Windows system.

Here is the content of the distribution:

./src: UDT source code
./app: Example applications
./doc: UDT documentation
./win: Visual C++ project files for Windows version of UDT

The library is in the original source code format without any installation tools, so installation is simply a make command. To make the C++ source code on different platform, the user needs to explicitly tell make the current operating system and hardware architecture with the "-e" option (except for Windows).

The available operating system options are: LINUX, BSD, and OSX.
The available options for hardware architecture are: IA32, IA64, POWERPC, and AMD64.

The command is in the format:

make -e os=XXX arch=YYY

where XXX and YYY are one of the options above. Note that it is case sensitive. There is a default value for Linux on the IA32 architecture, so if UDT is compiled on it, simply use make.

On Windows, use the Visual Studio .Net project files at ./win directory. It requires Visual C++ 7.0 or above to compile. Windows XP or above is also required under the default setting.

If other Windows compilers are used, you may need to create your own Makefile or project files. In particular, if you use Visual C++ 6.0 or your system is Windows 2000 or certain embeded Windows systems, please define LEGACY_WIN32 in your Makefile or project files. You may also need to download Windows platform SDK in order to get the <wspiapi.h> header file.

After a successful make, you can begin to use the UDT library. The (only) header file udt.h and the library libudt.a (depending on the target system,, libudt.dylib, and udt.dll may be available) are located in ./src directory.

Proper environment configuration should be set up before using UDT library. For example, if using, the library path environment variable must be updated as:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[location of, e.g., ../src]:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

On Windows, copy udt.dll to the proper directory.