Random Stuff

Contact me:
aanand2 [at] uic [dot] edu

PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago from Fall 2006-Present.

Research Assistant at the National Center for Data Mining from Fall 2004-Present.

Member of the Laboratory of Computational Population Biology from Spring 2008-2009.

Research Interests

Machine learning, data mining and information visualization.

I got into Computer Science because Artificial Intelligence fascinated me and I continue to explore the area of making computers process information more like humans.

Extra-curricular involvement @ UIC

I served as the student representative for UIC on the search committee for the new President of the University of Illinois! Read about it here. Dr. Michael Hogan was instituted as President of the University of Illinois on July 1st 2010.

Currently I serve as Chair of the Chicago Chapter of the ACM as I'm interested in being involved in the building of a vibrant technology community in the city.

Check out the UIC Computer Science Graduate Student Association that I was the President of for 2009-2011. I was involved with the CSGSA as a committee member since its inception in 2004.

I was also the Secretary of the Graduate Student Council for 2009-2011. It is the graduate student government at UIC.

I started up a Women in Computer Science (WiCS) group in Fall 2007. And here are some photos:

That's me and Prof. Tanya Berger-Wolf, my mentor for WiCS

That's me, some CS girls from UIC and Prof. Tanya Berger-Wolf at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2007 in Orlando, Florida.

That's me, some CS girls from UIC and Prof. Tanya Berger-Wolf at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2006 in San Diego, California.


I play the piano, love reading books and traveling - experiencing new places, new people, new foods!!

I recently discovered flying!! It's awesome.

That's me taking an introductory lesson flying a trike in Cushing Field, Illinois.


Here's an instance of my dabbling with GIMP. It's a collage of sorts titled "Come into my Realm".