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Computational Scientometrics: Theory and Applications

The workshop will be held at The 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2013)

Location: San Francisco, CA
Date: October 28, 2013

Organizing Committee:

Cornelia Caragea, Kansas State University, USA
C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
Lior Rokach, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Xiaozhong Liu, Indiana University Bloomington, USA

Important Dates:

Workshop Papers Due: July 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: July 28, 2013
Camera Ready: August 11, 2013

Workshop Description:

The field of Scientometrics is concerned with the analysis of science and scientific research. As science advances, scientists around the world continue to produce large numbers of research articles, which provide the technological basis for worldwide collection, sharing, and dissemination of scientific discoveries. Research ideas are generally developed based on high quality citations. Understanding how research ideas emerge, evolve, or disappear as a topic, what is a good measure of quality of published works, what are the most promising areas of research, how authors connect and influence each other, who are the experts in a field, what works are similar, and who funds a particular research topic are some of the major foci of the rapidly emerging field of Scientometrics.

Digital libraries and other databases that store research articles have become a medium for answering such questions. Citation analysis is used to mine large publication graphs in order to extract patterns in the data (e.g., citations per article) that can help measure the quality of a journal. Scientometrics, on the other hand, is used to mine graphs that link together multiple types of entities: authors, publications, conference venues, journals, institutions, etc., in order to assess the quality of science and answer complex questions such as those listed above. Tools such as maps of science that are built from digital libraries, allow different categories of users to satisfy various needs, e.g., help researchers to easily access research results, identify relevant funding opportunities, and find collaborators. Moreover, the recent developments in data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, and information retrieval makes it possible to transform the way we analyze research publications, funded proposals, patents, etc., on a web-wide scale.

Call for Papers:

The workshop aims at bringing together researchers with diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds interested in mining mining the web, large digital libraries and other relevant databases for research related publications and data. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Goals of the Workshop:

The primary goal of the workshop is to promote both theoretical results and practical applications to better answer questions and address challenges that are faced by today’s researchers as well as well-known technological companies such as Microsoft and Google and publishers such as Elsevier.

Expected Audience:

This workshop seeks to bring together researchers interested in the practical applications within digital libraries such as citation analysis and recommendation, scientific and research trends, expert finding, and collaborator recommendation. Several statistical and computational challenges arise when mining large collections of data such as citation graphs. As diverse communities of researchers use different ideas or perspectives to address these challenges, we seek to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and scholarly exchanges between researchers worldwide.


Submissions related to the above topics are invited. Papers must not exceed 6 pages, must be written in English, and must be formatted according to the CIKM template available here. Please submit papers, in pdf format, by email to ccaragea [[at]] unt.edu. Each paper will be reviewed by two Program Committee members.


Program Committee:

Doina Caragea (Kansas State University, USA)
Sujatha Das G. (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Liviu Dinu (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Cornelia Caragea (University of North Texas, USA)
C. Lee Giles (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Xiaozhong Liu (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)