Software available at the NLP lab

This is an incomplete list of the software that is available in the lab. I hope it will grow in the future.

Application Description Notes
Acrobat Reader 5.0 The last version of the famous pdf reader Installed under /export/lab/app/Acrobat5. There is a link under /usr/bin that points to the correct executable.If you have problems launching it make sure that your path contains the /usr/bin directory
Allegro Common Lisp 6.01
The Allegro realese of the the common lisp.
To start the program you have 2 options:
  • alisp
  • mlisp
Both version do the same things but there are differences in the way they treat the text, one is case sensitive the other is not.
The main copy is installed in /export/home/acl601 but there is a link to this directory in /usrlocal.
If you have problems launching it make sure that your path contains the /usrlocal/bin directory.

On all the machines are available different versions of Java. We have version 1.4, 1.3, 1.2 and 1.1. The default version for all machines is 1.4, except for Cumiana which is setted to the version 1.3. For versions 1.4 and 1.4 there is installed both the run-time and the SDK.

If you want to use a differt version for your specific application (maybe because it has been developed with a previous version and it is not compatible) you will have to use the correct executable. There are many solution possible:

  • set an alias to replace the executable command (usually java and javac) as to point to the correct versions
  • include in your path the position of the executable of the desired version before /usr/bin

Remember to modify your CLASSPATH also.

All the versions are installed in /export/lab/app. There is then a directory called java in /usr that points to the correct version and links to all the executables in /usr/bin.

If you have problems launching it make sure that your path contains the /usr/bin directory.

This links points to the one under /usr/java which in turn points to /export/lab/app/java which points to the right directory. In this way, modifying the link /usr/java is possible to change the java version machine wide while changing the link /export/lab/java is possible to change the version used on all machines.

Finally, you can incur in problems if your CLASSPATH variable is not setted in the correct way. To make sure it is try:

env |grep CLASSPATH

and see what happen. If it doesn't point to the current version and your classpath for your application you will have to modify it. Generally can be setted modifying the file .profile (or .cshrc or .bashrc) under your home directory. I'm working at providing a common solution to set the correct values for these variables.


The current installed version is the 1.0.1. Notice that version is already old, maybe it can be a good idea to update it.

To use it you will first need to install it. To do that launch the command:


The setup process will request which kind of installation you would like to perform. Select the Workstation installation (1.4 mb) and then select your home directory as the position where to install it. If the setup process require to select your Java installation lives select /export/lab/app/java.

Once installed to launch the application you will need to issue the command:


The program is installed under export/home/OpenOffice.org1.0.1. More information can be found at


Last Revised: 24 May 2003
Riccardo Serafin