Electronic Proceedings of the
ACM Workshop on Effective Abstractions in Multimedia
November 4, 1995
San Francisco, California

A Sample HTML Document for the
ACM Effective Abstractions in Multimedia

Name of Author 1
1st line of first author's address
2nd line of first author's address
3rd line of first author's address
Voice number
Email address

Name of Author 2
1st line of second author's address

ACM Copyright Notice


This is a sample HTML document Electronic Proceedings. As in [Reb95], we would like to:
  1. provide an example of the various HTML tags;
  2. provide a uniform format for all the papers; and
  3. promote discussion of the design of online conference papers (if you would like to provide some feedback on the format of this document, please send mail to isabel@cs.brown.edu).

To determine how this document is organized and learn more about the formatting tags we use for individual components, use "View source" (or something similar) in your document viewer. To save the source, use "Save as" (or something similar) and choose the format "HTML".

Table of Contents


This is a document that illustrates the general format for the electronic papers that will form the Electronic Proceedings.

You will observe that this is a single document, rather than a collection of linked documents. In our experience, many readers print their electronic documents, rather than reading them on the computer monitor. Therefore, putting all the information in one document helps such readers.

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Document Structure

You can think of the structure of this HTML document as a tree. You can access each section and subsection of the document from the table of contents. When you get to the end of a Section, you should place a back link to the table of contents. At the end of each subsection you should place a link to the parent section. Likewise, if you have a sub-subsection, you should place at the end of it a back link to the parent subsection, etc.


In this subsection we elaborate on the structure of the document. We do it using the picture we include here.

Figure 1. The structure of an electronic paper.

There is a link from each entry of the Table of Contents to the the corresponding document Section, Subsection, etc.

Main sections (including bibliography, and acknowledgements) point back to the beginning of the Table of Contents. Each subsection (or sub-subsection) points back to the section (or subsection) in which it is contained, as follows.

< -- Document Structure

Captions and cross links

Instead of including the picture, you can establish a link to it, in which case the caption will look like this.

Figure 1.The structure of an electronic paper.

To find more on this, you can refer to the Section Where to Find More Information.) This is an example of a cross link: when you refer to another section you can also establish a link to it.

< -- Document Structure

More on links

Make sure that links to parts of your paper do not include host names, and are relative to the current directory. However, feel free to use external links to other documents on the WWW, inside of your document and in the references section. You should also include a link to your own home page in the beginning of paper (when you list the authors). If you would like to include video segments (e.g., in MPEG or Quicktime), please have these in your own site and establish a link from your paper to them.
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More about Specific Article Components

Making footnotes

As footnotes are an odd concepts when documents do not have pages, [1] and therefore do not have identifiable "feet," you should use endnotes rather than footnotes. In the previous sentence, you found the only endnote in this sample document: a number surrounded by brackets. Make each endnote reference a link to the corresponding endnote in the endnotes section. See how this works by clicking on the "1" above.
< -- More about Specific Article Components

Writing bibliographies

HTML and the WWW provide new opportunities for bibliography usage and we strongly encourage authors to make the references in the body of their text links to the bibliography. In addition, any references to online documents in the bibliography should be links to those documents. We recommend against using numbers for these links, as they are hard to distinguish from endnotes.

Check examples of a book entry [Book95], of an article [Art94], and of two Web documents [Cru95,Reb95].

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Where to Find More Information

Some details are missing in this sample, but can be obtained from the document [Cru95].

If you need further help send a message to ifc@cs.uic.edu.

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End Notes

[1] Some people even suggest that footnotes should be avoided in page-formatted documents... However, if you have footnotes in the hardcopy version of your paper, this is the way to deal with them in the electronic version of your paper. You can use "Back" (or something similar) in your document viewer to go back to where you were.


We would like to thank Sam Rebelsky for his help, and the authors of [Reb95] for putting together a well-thought of sample document for DAGS95, which is the basis for this document.
< -- Table of Contents


Author. "Title of article." Conference Name, October 17--20, 1994.
Author1, author2, editors. Title of Proceedings. Publisher, 1995.
Isabel F. Cruz. "Instructions for Electronic Proceedings." Online document available at URL http://www.cs.uic.edu/~ifc/mmwsproc/instructions.html, 1995.
Samuel A. Rebelsky, James Ford, Fillia Makedon, P. Taxis Metaxas, and Peter Gloor. "A Sample HTML Document for DAGS95." Online document available at URL http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~samr/DAGS95/Proceedings/sample.html, 1995.
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