Eng 591 - VR Programming - Class Outline 6

General Topics: Complex scene graphs, hierarchical structures, etc.

Example 1: Movable Car with Movable Wheels

For this example it is desired to construct a simple car, consisting of a body and four identical wheels. The geometry of the body is defined centered about the X-Z origin, with the bottom of the car one unit above the Y origin, and with the car facing along the positive Z axis. The wheel geometry is defined with the center of the tire tread at the origin, aligned to roll along the Z axis, with a hubcap pointing along the X axis. The body has length 16, width 8, and height 5; The wheel has diameter 2 and thickness 1, plus an additional 1/2 for the hubcap.

The wheels will be instanced, and will have to be translated to the corners of the car (and up to ground level!) when they are loaded. Note that the wheels for the left side of the car also have to be rotated, so that the hubcap faces outward. In addition, the scene graph must be loaded so as to allow the car to be moved as a group, AND to allow the front two wheels to be turned from side to side ( as when the driver turns the steering wheel. ) After some trial and error, the following scene graph resulted:


  • The grass and roads are combined in a file "grounds.nff".
  • A pointer to the separator is stored in the local variable "sep".
  • A global variable, "WTnode *Car" points to the first transform loaded. This variable can be used in the action function to move the entire car.
  • A pointer to the first wheel loaded is saved in the local variable "wheel", for use in instancing the other wheels.
  • The second wheel is accessed with the generic local node pointer "node". This pointer is only needed long enough to place the wheel, and after that the variable "node" can be used for other things.
  • The second transform loaded is pointed to by the global variable "Wheels". The intention was to use this transformation to turn both front wheels in unison. However this did not work, because the wheels rotated relative to the center of the car, rather than relative to the center of each wheel. Can you see why?
  • The final two wheels loaded are the front two wheels. They were originally loaded using the generic pointer "node". However when it was determined that the "Wheels" transform would not work as desired, then two new global variables "LeftWheel" and "RightWheel" were created to point to each wheel individually.
  • Note that the wheels are movable nodes, and that each contains its own transform node for translating the wheel to the corners of the car, and for the left hand wheels rotating the wheel with the hub cap facing outwards.

The code to implement this example is in cardemo.c, and the supplemental files are in the cardemo directory.

Example 2: A LOD Node in a Chemical Plant

For this example a large chemical plant is modeled. The initial view is an aerial view, and there is one building that has a lot of detailed equipment inside. The detailed equipment is not visible from outside the building, but it still slows down the simulation when it is loaded into the scene graph. It is desired to use an LOD node, such that the details inside the building are only considered by the simulation when the user is sufficiently close to the building. The pertinent portion of the scene graph is as follows:

The code which generates this scene graph is shown below:

     /* The level-of-detail node has two children - One is just an empty pilot plant
	   building, and the other is a group node which encompasses the building and 
	   all the contents.  The center and ranges are defined so that the building
	   contents only exist when the user is close to the building or inside */

	/* First set up the LOD node itself */

	LODnode = WTlodnode_new( root );
WTlodnode_setrange( LODnode, LODranges, 2 );
WTlodnode_setcenter( LODnode, center ); /* Then the two children of the LOD node */ /* This will be the highly detailed group */ group = WTgroupnode_new( LODnode );
/* The pilot plant building, stand alone low detail node */ node = WTnode_load( LODnode, "PILOTPLT.NFF", 1.0 ); /* Now start adding children to the group. Note: 1st child is pilot plant again */ /* The pilot plant building, in the detailed group */ WTnode_addchild( group, node ); WTnode_load( group, "MEZZANIN.NFF", 1.0 ); /* Mezzanine */
WTnode_load( group, "STAIRS.NFF", 1.0 ); /* Stairs & railings */ WTnode_load( group, "RAILINGS.NFF", 1.0 ); /* Mezzanine railings */ WTnode_load( group, "LADDER.NFF", 1.0 ); /* Mezzanine ladder */


  • Note the calls after WTlodnode_new to set the center point for LOD calculations and the ranges. The variables "LODranges" and "center" are an array of floats and a WTp3 respectively.
  • The pilot plant building itself appears on the scene graph twice. This is an artificial construction of "instancing" achieved using "WTnode_addchild". In general a scene graph cannot contain any loops. The exception is that a geometry can be a child of multiple parents. In this case, the pilot plant building geometry is only loaded from disk into memory once.

Example 3: Questions and Answers

For this example it is desired to set up a series of "question mark" icons for users to find and select. When a question has been selected, then three lights appear - red, yellow, and green in the standard "stop light" configuration. Users "answer" the question by selecting one of the lights. If their answer is correct, then the other two lights turn grey; If their answer is incorrect, then their selection turns grey, and they can choose again from the remaining two lights.

The scene graph is as follows:

The original code to generate this scene graph looked something like:

        /* Load up the questions */
        /* Eventually these will be read from a file */

        NQuestions = NQUESTIONS;        /* Integer */
        Questions = localQuestions;     /* Array of structures, with position, etc. */

        /* First load up the master copies.  Note that they are not
           connected to the scene graph. */

        QuestionMark = WTnode_load( NULL, "QUESTION.NFF", 1.0 );

        RedLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "RED.NFF", 1.0 );
        GreyRedLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "RED.NFF", 1.0 );
        WTgeometry_setrgb( WTnode_getgeometry( GreyRedLight ), 191, 127, 127 );

        YellowLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "YELLOW.NFF", 1.0 );
        GreyYellowLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "YELLOW.NFF", 1.0 );
        WTgeometry_setrgb( WTnode_getgeometry( GreyYellowLight ), 191, 191,127 );

        GreenLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "GREEN.NFF", 1.0 );
        GreyGreenLight = WTnode_load( NULL, "GREEN.NFF", 1.0 );
        WTgeometry_setrgb( WTnode_getgeometry( GreyGreenLight ), 127, 191, 127 );

        /* Now to build the scene graph. */

        QuestionsNode = WTgroupnode_new( root ); /* Global pointer to group node */

        for( i = 0; i < NQuestions; i++ ) {    /* Loop through array of Questions */

                /* First the separator and transform nodes */

                sep = WTsepnode_new( QuestionsNode );
                node = WTxformnode_new( sep );
                WTnode_settranslation( node, Questions[ i ].translation );
                WTnode_setorientation( node, Questions[ i ].orientation );

                /* Then the question mark geometry */

                WTnode_addchild( sep, QuestionMark );

                /* And then the red, yellow, and green lights */

                node = WTswitchnode_new( sep );

                WTnode_addchild( node, RedLight );
                WTnode_addchild( node, GreyRedLight );
                /* WTswitchnode_setwhichchild( node, GREY ); */
                /* Default switch when switchnode created is NONE */
                /* GREY is #defined as 1, BRIGHT as 0 */

                node = WTswitchnode_new( sep );
                WTnode_addchild( node, YellowLight );
                WTnode_addchild( node, GreyYellowLight );
                /* WTswitchnode_setwhichchild( node, GREY ); */

                node = WTswitchnode_new( sep );
                WTnode_addchild( node, GreenLight );
                WTnode_addchild( node, GreyGreenLight );
                /* WTswitchnode_setwhichchild( node, GREY ); */



  • See in-class discussion for geometry of question mark & lights, as well as an example of the running simulation.
  • Note the use of the "Master" nodes, which are originally not connected to the scene graph, but which are later "instanced" by attaching them to the scene graph in multiple places. The book doesn't make it clear that this is possible, but it turned out to work.
  • The grey lights have the same size, shape, and location as their bright counterparts, but have to be loaded as separate geometries because their color is different.
  • The code above has since been changed, to allow for questions & lights at different scaling factors. This requires a linked list of structures, with each structure containing pointers to seven geometry nodes ( a question mark and 6 lights ). Each structure in the linked list contains "masters" for a different scaling factor.
  • In use, "nodepath" information is used to determine if the user has selected a question, if so then which question was selected, and which of the icons ( question mark or which light ) was selected. Other variables ( mostly stored in the array of Questions ) keep track of what images and sound to present, whether or not this is a repeat answer, and points scoring issues.
  • Originally the lights would be initialized to their grey state. When the use selected a question, then the lights would turn bright so that they could be selected. This is indicated by the commented out code. Since then the code has been changed, so that the switch nodes all start out in their default configuration of "NONE". This means that there are no lights visible at all until the user selects a question, at which point the relevant switches are set to BRIGHT ( #defined as 0 in a header file ).