IDOT CVISN Documentation Project




E-Screening is the ability to screen vehicles electronically.  This is typically accomplished by a transponder in the vehicle which transmits its transponder ID to an Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) system located at a weighing or port of entry station.  This transponder ID can then be used as a key to look up information on the vehicle such as credentialing, licensing, and safety rating.  This information can then be used to determine if the vehicle will need to stop at the station because a manual inspection is required, or there is a credentialing issue, or as part of a random sampling.  The driver receives a green or red light in the cab to indicate if he can bypass the station or if stopping is required.  This system allows  compliant carriers with good safety and inspection ratings to bypass the check station and save significant time.  It also benefits the carrier and environment by reducing the fuel consumed (0.55 gallons per stop based on an Iowa transportation study) during the manual checking process.  It benefits the state by allowing the enforcement personnel to focus on those vehicles which are most likely to be out of compliance and improves enforcement efficiency.

Transponders for E-Screening may not be granted to carriers with poor safety or inspection histories.  All credentialing information must be current at the time of application.

There are at least three systems which are implemented in states which offers E-Screening:

The frequency of random manual screening is typically based on the safety record and frequency of out of service incidences of the carrier.  Fewer random manual screenings are performed on carriers with better records.

While in principle E-Screening has some great benefits, the business model of the for-profit implementation may conflict with or compete with the goals of CVISN.  PrePass either assesses a fee for each time a carrier is allowed to bypass a weigh station or charges a flat fee per day.  To maximize the number of vehicles subscribing, PrePass guarantees that the only information shared with the state jurisdictions relative to the scan is the fact that vehicles have been given a green light.  In particular, timestamps between weigh stations are specifically omitted so that carriers don't need to worry that the state will use this information to detect speeding.  This confidentiality of information makes it difficult for states with PrePass to use E-Screening information.  Illinois is one of the states with the PrePass system.

PrePass and PrePass Plus

Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate (HELP) Inc is a for-profit company, which has several programs which cater to the trucking industry.  PrePass and PrePass Plus have 263 sites in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.  In 2005, there were more than 45 million bypass scans.

The PrePass Plus program combines PrePass with E-ZPass, an electronic toll system.

To apply for PrePass, the carrier fills out information and sends copies of IRP, IFTA and SSRS credentialing information along with the VIN, IRP Account, Fleet Number, and License Number.  The PrePass license agreement authorizes PrePass to acquire and periodically reconfirm with government authorities various credentialing information.

PrePass earns revenue by charging a fee per bypass or fee per day to the carrier per vehicle.  It provides the transponders for free.  It provides the state with the equipment and also maintains the equipment and systems required to operate the system.  This results in financial savings to the state with corresponding loss of data ownership and control.

The information obtained by the PrePass E-Scanning system is owned by PrePass and not the state.


The NORPASS system is designed to improve the efficiency and safety of motor carrier operations. It is not a data collection system.  NORPASS is a non-profit consortium of the following states: Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, New York, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington.  In addition Minnesota, Oregon, North Carolina and Virginia also use the NORPASS system but is not part of this consortium.  NORPASS has over 87,000 trucks registered.

With the NORPASS system, the carrier pays once for the transponder charge ($45) and there are no fees charged for scanning.  The state owns and maintains the AVI system and the information associated with it. The data collected by the NORPASS System is neither publicly disclosed nor permanently retained.

Registration can be done online with the IFTA, IRP and US DOT number since the NORPASS system is primarily used to obtain the US DOT number and then that is used to check the validity of the credentialing and safety records at the station.

The NORPASS center is located in Kentucky. 

Oregon Green Light System

Oregon was an early adopter of E-Screening and set up its own system.  When PrePass came online and California adopted PrePass, there was a controversy relative to the use of PrePass transponders in Oregon's Green Light System.  The transponders used  the same technology in both the Green Light and PrePass systems and the PrePass transponders could be read by the Green Light System.  Oregon allowed carriers to be E-Screened using PrePass transponders.  In 1998, HELP (the company with the PrePass programs) objected, claiming misappropriation of property and violation of telecommunications law.  Oregon has suspended enrolling PrePass transponders and not been successful in negotiations with PrePass.  Litigation has not resolved the issue and currently Oregon is red lighting all vehicles with PrePass transponders which do not also have Green Light or NORPASS transponders.

Oregon claims that "ELP" of HELP is Electronic License Plate and that this information is not secret.  PrePass's business model does not allow the use of its equipment in non PrePass states.


While E-Screening holds a lot of potential with the widespread adoption of PrePass, which includes Illinois, there may be significant issues in attempting to deploy CVIEW as it was envisioned unless the VIN or other identifying information is provided to the state by PrePass.  It may be that the currency and robustness of the CVIEW system may enjoy an advantage with the PrePass information relative to credentialing and safety information, but without being able to quickly determine information identifying the vehicle from the PrePass system and being able to red light the vehicle based on the current information possessed by the state, this may not allow E-Screening with CVIEW to realize its full potential.

XML - E-Screening Transactions

T0023V1.xsd - Carrier Authorization

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <!-- Carrier Authorization Input Transaction, T0023, version 1 -->

  <include schemaLocation="globalTypes.xsd"/>

  <!-- Root element -->

  <element name="T0023" type="ts:T0023V1Type"/>

  <!-- T0023V1  Carrier Authorization Transaction -->
  <!-- Output transaction-->
  <!-- Root element type -->

  <complexType name="T0023V1Type">
      <element name="INTERFACE" type="ts:interfaceHeaderType"/>
      <element name="TRANSACTION" type="ts:transHeaderType"/>
      <element name="CARRIER_AUTHORIZATION" type="ts:CarrierAuthorizationType"
               minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="5000"/>

  <!-- Interface header type -->

  <complexType name="interfaceHeaderType">
      <element name="NAME" type="string" fixed="SAFER"/>
      <element name="VERSION" type="string" fixed="04.02"/>

  <!-- Transaction header type -->

  <complexType name="transHeaderType">
      <element name="VERSION" type="string" fixed="01.00"/>
      <element name="OPERATION" type="string" fixed="REPLACE"/>
      <element name="DATE_TIME" type="dateTime"/>
      <element name="TZ" type="ts:globalTimeZoneType"/>

  <!-- Carrier Authorizations Group type -->

  <complexType name="CarrierAuthorizationType">
      <element name="CARRIER_ID_NUMBER" type="ts:globalCarrierIdNumberType"/>
      <element name="AUTHORIZATION" type="ts:AuthorizationType"
               minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <!-- Authorization type -->

  <complexType name="AuthorizationType">
      <element name="JURISDICTION_CODE" type="ts:globalFullJurisdictionType"/>
      <element name="ACTIVITY_CODE">
          <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="10"/>  <!-- E-Screen -->
      <element name="CARRIER_ACTION">
            <restriction base="string">
              <enumeration value="E01"/> <!-- Participation Requested -->
      <element name="CARRIER_ACTION_DATE" type="date"/>
      <element name="JURISDICTION_ACTION" minOccurs="0">
          <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="S28"/>  <!-- Approved -->
            <enumeration value="S29"/>  <!-- Rejected -->
            <enumeration value="S30"/>  <!-- Temporary Accepted -->
            <enumeration value="S31"/>  <!-- Temporary Rejected -->
      <element name="JURISDICTION_ACTION_DATE" minOccurs="0"


T0024V1.xsd - Transponder ID

<?xml version="1.0"?>

 <!-- Vehicle Transponder ID Input Transaction, T0024V1, Version 1 -->

  <include schemaLocation="globalTypes.xsd"/>

  <!-- Root element -->

  <element name="T0024" type="ts:T0024V1Type"/>

  <!-- T024V1  Transponder Account Transaction -->
  <!-- Input transaction-->
  <!-- Root element type -->

  <complexType name="T0024V1Type">
      <element name="INTERFACE" type="ts:interfaceHeaderType"/>
      <element name="TRANSACTION" type="ts:transHeaderType"/>
      <element name="TRANSPONDER_ACCOUNT" type="ts:TransponderAccountType"
               minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="5000"/>

  <!-- Interface header type -->

  <complexType name="interfaceHeaderType">
      <element name="NAME" type="string" fixed="SAFER"/>
      <element name="VERSION" type="string" fixed="04.02"/>

  <!-- Transaction header type -->

  <complexType name="transHeaderType">
      <element name="VERSION" type="string" fixed="01.00"/>
      <element name="OPERATION" type="string" fixed="REPLACE"/>
      <element name="DATE_TIME" type="dateTime"/>
      <element name="TZ" type="ts:globalTimeZoneType"/>

  <!-- Transponder Account type -->

  <complexType name="TransponderAccountType">
      <element name="VIN">
          <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="1"/>
            <maxLength value="30"/>
      <element name="TRANSPONDER_ID" minOccurs="0">
          <restriction base="string">
            <maxLength value="10"/>
      <element name="TRANSPONDER_UPDATE_DATE" type="date"/>


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