If you have problems with any topic, exercise question or assignment, DO ASK me or TA for help, we are here to make the course undersdood. DO NOT delay your questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question. The only obstacle to learning is laziness.
J2SDK and JRE have been installed in cs server "bert". You can log on to "bert.cs.uic.edu", directly use command "javac" to compile and "java" to run the program. (As to command format, refer to "man javac" and "man java".) There are several available editors for you to write code, such as "pico", "emacs" and vi.
You also can download Java Development Environment and Running Environment to your home PC.
In order to program and debug easily, you may use some Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools, such as Jbuilder, Blue Jay. For the programming assignments, you must make sure that your code can be compiled and run in bert without any additional packages.
Also you can develop and debug your code in Windows, but before you submit, you should make sure that your code can run in "bert" because all assignments will be graded on "bert".