CS 376 Spring 2011

Practicum in Computer Science Presentations

Instructor: Bing Liu
Email: liub@uic.edu

Office: SEO 931


  • Section 1: 3pm - 4:50pm
  • Section 2: 5pm - 6:50pm
Office Hours: Mondays 11:00am - 12:30pm


101 LH

Class Communications:

Make sure you check your uic email as all notifications on the course will be through email.

Course Description (from the catalog):

1 Hours. Techniques for effective presentation of computer science topics: terminology, organization, visual aides and delivery of technical talks; presentations and presentation evaluation required.
Prerequisite: Engl 161 and CS 102

Textbooks & Resources:

Administrative Stuff:
  • No exams for this class.
  • No late assignments accepted. Forget it, don't even try come up with some excuse.
  • Cheating! Bad! Don't do it. If I catch you copying someone else's work, you will face disciplinary action (you know public humiliation, canning, banishment, that sort of thing).
Course Topics:
  • Understanding your audience
  • Understanding you
  • Understanding the venue
  • Creating effective presentation materials
  • Preparing for presentations
  • Creating video presentations

Class Schedule:

Week 1 (Jan 10) - Class intros, overview of syllabus, Discussion of Assignments, Lecture 1.
Week 2 (Jan 24) - Lecture 2.
Week 3 - (Jan 31) - Elevator Speech
Week 4 - (Feb 7) - Lecture 3.
Week 5 - (Feb 14) - Presentation (5 students at 20 minutes each)
Week 6 - (Feb 21) - Presentation (5 students at 20 minutes each)
Week 7 - (Feb 28) - Presentation (5 students at 20 minutes each)
Week 8 - (Mar 7) - Presentation (5 students at 20 minutes each)
Week 9 - (Mar 14) - Lecture 4.
Week 10 - (Spring break)
Week 11 - (Mar 28) - Lecture 5 and how to prepare the research presentation
Week 12 - (Apr 4) - No class - prepare your research presentation slides
Week 13 - (Apr 11) - Research presentation (10 students at 10 minutes each)
Week 14 - (Apr 18) - Research presentation (10 students at 10 minutes each)
Week 15 - (Apr 25) - Lecture 6 and summary

Course Assignments:

Assignment 1 - The Elevator Speech
You just stepped into an elevator with the CEO of large company. You either want to work for the company, or you want the company to fund your idea. Before the elevator reaches the designated floor you have 2 minutes to give him/her your pitch. Text draft of elevator speech must be emailed to me by . Use the following filename: As1_Lastname.html

Assignment 2 - A Technical Presentation on a Topic of Your Choosing
Choose a technical topic of interest to you and give a well prepared conference presentation that will last 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of Question and Answer. Slide set must be emailed to me by the day of of your presentation. Use the following filename: As2_Lastname.zip

Assignment 3 - A Technical Presntation based on search engine evaluation of Google, Bing and Blekko
We will discuss how to do this in class in due course.
Start Date: Feb 21, 2011
10% Participation in class discussions (attendance and participation)
20% Assignment 1
35% Assignment 2
35% Assignment 3