CS511 Spring 2006

CS 511 - Spring 2006 (under construction ...)

Artificial Intelligence II

Course Objective

This course has three objectives. First, to introduce advanced topics. Second, to ensure that students are able to read, and critically evaluate research papers. Third, to ensue that students are able to implement some important algorithms.

Think and Ask!

If you have questions about any topic or assignment, DO ASK me or even your classmates for help, I am here to make the course undersdood. DO NOT delay your questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question. The only obstacle to learning is laziness.

General Information



Teaching materials

Main Topics (subject to change)

Introduction Slides
  1. Constraint satisfaction problems Slides
  2. Introduction to uncertainty handling Slides
  3. Machine learning Slides
  4. AI and the Web
  5. Summary

Project - graded (you will demo your programs to me)

Paper presentation - graded

Rules and Policies

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By Bing Liu, Aug 20 2005