The original design for this came from two women in CS105- Valerie Beth Stackel and Jae Hee Kim... Nick extended their core grammar. { I have to break up with you because . But let's still . ; } { ; , and also because ; } { my doesn't like you ; I'm in love with ; I haven't told you this before but ; I didn't have the heart to tell you this when we were going out, but ; you never with me any more ; you don't any more ; my said you were bad news ; } { mother ; father ; dog Herbie ; roomate ; great aunt Mathilda ; ex-boyfriend ; new boyfriend ; other personality ; } { an alligator ; the tree ; an intramural monster ; the Winter Olympics mascot ; your roomate ; my new boyfriend ; anyone but you ; } { I never liked your ; I never liked your - I can't believe I was so desparate ; your always secretly annoyed me ; ; } { insipid nicknames for me ; dumb laugh ; facial expressions ; friends ; dumb jokes ; personality ; } { I never liked anything about you ; I can't believe I went out with you ; you smell really bad ; your nose is crooked ; holding hands with you reminds me of raking autumn leaves ; I'd rather have my eyes gouged out with hot pokers than spend another minute with you ; } { horoscope ; parent ; little bird ; crystal ; ; } { Casablanca ; Atlantis ; Paris ; Mars ; } { Send me roses ; look at me with a spark in your eyes ; take me dancing ; read me poems ; take me to ; pay my late fees at Blockbuster ; make me feel like your best friend ; } { share your feelings ; share your feelings, no matter how disgusting, ; plays snuggle bunnies ; go to ; } { remember each other's names for several years ; have warm cuddly memories sometime when we get nostalgic ; pray to ever be as happy as we were for a time ; be friends ; call each other ; think mean thoughts about each other's new so's ; keep in touch ; go out once in a while ; exchance Christmas presents ; study together ; flirt shamelessly ; get drunk and say/do things we regret ; }