Copyright Scenario for Ethics, CS 335

Modifications made by Prof. Sloan, January 2004, on modifications made by Dr. Reed on original page taken from Grinnell’s page:

  1. Make link: Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to make a document containing a link to another URL? Most would say no, as we have a tradition of writing things like ``for more information, see ...''.
  2. Follow link:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to follow a link to a document? Again, most would say no, as the standard on the Web is ``if a link to a document works, the provider of the document expects me to be able to read the document''.
  3. Image tag:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to include an image tag that links to another site? For example, if I create a page at UIC, can I include an image from Microsoft, even if I don't copy the image but instead write code that says ``Put this image from Microsoft at this point in my page?'' This is less clear, as it seems like a link, and the actual downloading of the image is done by the reader. However, the image appears within the page, making it seem like the property of UIC, rather than Microsoft.
  4. Save:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to save a copy of an image or file I obtained from the Web on my local disk, given that I don't allow anyone else to access it? Note that most browsers do this automatically. Does it make a difference whether the saving is explicit or implicit?
  5. Cache:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to save a local copy of a frequently visited web site/page in a special site-wide cache?
  6. Print: Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to print a page from the Web?
  7. Modify private:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to modify a page from the Web (provided the modified version is only for your own use)? How is this like cutting up a magazine you buy? How is it different?
  8. Modify public:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to modify a page from the Web and provide it for others to see? How is this like cutting up a magazine you buy? How is it different?
  9. Annotate private:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to annotate a page, leaving the original intact, but adding notes, highlights, and additional html elements?
  10. Annotate public:  Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to annotate a page as described above, making the annotated version visible to others?
  11. Play stream: Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to play an audio piece provided on the web site of the owner of this auido piece?
  12. Capture Stream to time and device shift it: Is it (or should it be) a violation of copyright to capture an audio stream that is provided only as a streaming source on the web site of its owner (i.e., no MP3 is provided) and convert it to MP3 for you to listen to once on either an MP3 player or a CD at a convenient time for you?
  13. Capture a stream for personal library: Same as previous, but you keep the captured audio in your personal library for repeated use (for your personal use)?