import java.lang.Math; import java.util.*; public class BinarySearchTree { private Node root; public class Node { String key; int value; Node left; Node right; Node next; Node(Node copy){ this.key=copy.key; this.value=copy.value; this.left=copy.left; this.right=copy.right; } Node(String key, int value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; left = null; right = null; next=null; } Node(String key) { this(key, Integer.parseInt(key)); } public String toString() { return "(" + key + "," + value + ")"; } } public BinarySearchTree() { root = null; } public BinarySearchTree(Node root) { this.root=root; } /* * the recursion implementation of basic BST operations */ public void insert(String key) { if(root==null) root= new Node(key); else insert(root, key); } private void insert(Node cur, String key) { if (cur.value>=Integer.parseInt(key)){ if(cur.left!=null) insert(cur.left, key); else cur.left= new Node(key); } else{ if(cur.right!=null) insert(cur.right, key); else cur.right= new Node(key); } } public Node search(Node cur, String key) { if (cur == null) return cur; if (cur.key.compareTo(key) > 0) return search(cur.left, key); else { if (cur.key.compareTo(key) < 0) return search(cur.right, key); else return cur; } } /* * size function */ public int size(){ return size(root, 0); } private int size(Node cur, int num) { if (cur == null) return num; return size(cur.left, num) + 1 + size(cur.right, num); } /* * maxDepth function */ public int maxDepth(){ return maxDepth(root, 0); } private int maxDepth(Node cur, int depth) { if (cur == null) return depth; int leftDepth = maxDepth(cur.left, depth + 1); int rightDepth = maxDepth(cur.right, depth + 1); return leftDepth >= rightDepth ? leftDepth : rightDepth; } /* * */ public int maxDepthDifference(){ if (root==null) return 0; else{ int[] depthPair=new int[]{Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0}; maxDepthDifference(root, 0, depthPair); return depthPair[1]-depthPair[0]; } } private void maxDepthDifference(Node cur, int curDepth, int[] depthPair){ if(cur==null) return; if(cur.right==null && cur.left==null ){ depthPair[0]=Math.min(depthPair[0], curDepth); depthPair[1]=Math.max(depthPair[1], curDepth); }else{ maxDepthDifference(cur.left, curDepth+1, depthPair); maxDepthDifference(cur.right, curDepth+1, depthPair); } } /* * minValue function */ public int minValue(){ return minValue(root, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private int minValue(Node cur, int value) { if (cur == null) return value; if (cur.value < value) { value = cur.value; } int leftMinValue = minValue(cur.left, value); int rightMinValue = minValue(cur.right, value); if (leftMinValue < value) { value = leftMinValue; } if (rightMinValue < value) { value = rightMinValue; } return value; } /* * Preorder print */ public void printTree(String order){ switch(order.toLowerCase()){ case "pre": printTreePreorder(root); break; case "post": printTreePostorder(root); break; default: printTreeInorder(root); break; } System.out.println(); } private void printTreeInorder(Node cur){ if (cur == null){ return; } printTreeInorder(cur.left); System.out.println(cur); printTreeInorder(cur.right); } private void printTreePreorder(Node cur){ if (cur == null){ return; } System.out.println(cur); printTreePreorder(cur.left); printTreePreorder(cur.right); } public void printTreeDFS(String order){ switch(order){ case "pre": printTreePreorder(root); break; case "post": printTreePostorder(root); break; default: printTreeInorder(root); } System.out.println(); } private void printTreePostorder(Node cur){ if (cur == null){ return; } printTreePostorder(cur.left); printTreePostorder(cur.right); System.out.println(cur); } public void printTreeInLevels(){ printTreeInLevels(root); System.out.println(); } private void printTreeInLevels(Node root){ if(root==null) return; LinkedList currentLvl=new LinkedList(); LinkedList nextLvl=new LinkedList(); nextLvl.add(root); while(!nextLvl.isEmpty()){ currentLvl=nextLvl; nextLvl=new LinkedList(); while(!currentLvl.isEmpty()){ Node cur=currentLvl.pop(); System.out.print(cur+"\t"); if(cur.left!=null) nextLvl.add(cur.left); if(cur.right!=null) nextLvl.add(cur.right); } System.out.println(); } } /* * mirror */ public void mirror(){ mirror(root); } private void mirror(Node cur){ if (cur==null) return; Node tmp=cur.left; cur.left=cur.right; cur.right=tmp; mirror(cur.left); mirror(cur.right); } /* * printPaths */ public void printPaths(){ if(root==null) return; HashMap> allPaths= new HashMap>(); allPaths.put("", new ArrayList()); //empty parent path for root printPaths(root, "", allPaths); } private void printPaths(Node cur, String parentKey, HashMap> allPaths){ if (cur!=null){ ArrayList path=allPaths.get(parentKey); ArrayList newPath=new ArrayList(); for(String key: path) newPath.add(key); newPath.add(cur.key); allPaths.put(cur.key, newPath); if (cur.right==null && cur.left==null){ for(String key: newPath) System.out.print(key); System.out.println(); }else{ printPaths(cur.left, cur.key, allPaths ); printPaths(cur.right, cur.key, allPaths); } } } /* * For the key values 1...numKeys, how many structurally unique binary search trees are possible that store those keys? Strategy: consider that each value could be the root. Recursively find the size of the left and right subtrees. */ public int countTree(int N){ if(N<=1) return 1; int sum=0; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){ sum+=countTree(i-1)*countTree(N-i); } return sum; } /* * test if a tree is a bst */ public boolean isBST(){ return isBST(root, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } private boolean isBST(Node node, int max, int min){ if (node==null) return true; if (node.value>max || node.value trees=BuildAllBinaryTreesPermutation( 1, n); for(Node t: trees){ printTreeInLevels(t); System.out.println(); } } private ArrayList BuildAllBinaryTreesPermutation(int min, int max){ ArrayList ret=new ArrayList(); if (min>max){ ret.add(null); }else{ for(int i=min;i<=max;i++){ Node root=new Node(String.valueOf(i), i); ArrayList left_trees=BuildAllBinaryTreesPermutation(min, i-1); ArrayList right_trees=BuildAllBinaryTreesPermutation(i+1, max); for(Node l: left_trees) for(Node r: right_trees){ Node newTree=new Node(root); ret.add(newTree); newTree.left=l; newTree.right=r; } } } return ret; } public void printPrettyTree(){ //System.out.println(String.format("%-3d%5d", 12, 3)); HashMap spaceAhead=new HashMap(); int[] cumSum=new int[]{0}; calSpaceAhead(root, spaceAhead, cumSum); //traverse the tree inorderly to calculate the spaces before each node int size=cumSum[0]*2; //represent a tree using two-dimensional char array char[][] prettyTree=new char[size][size]; for(int i=0;i rows=new HashMap(); //stores the row position of nodes rows.put(root, 0); //root is at 0th row while(root!=null){ Node nextLvl=null, prev=null; for(; root!=null;{ if(nextLvl==null) nextLvl=root.left!=null?root.left:root.right; int space=spaceAhead.get(root); row=rows.get(root); putNumberInLine(prettyTree, row, space, root.value); if(root.left!=null){ if(prev!=null); prev=root.left; //generating the slashes int r=row+1; for(int i=space-1;i>=spaceAhead.get(root.left)&&i>=0;i--) prettyTree[r++][i]='/'; rows.put(root.left, r); } if(root.right!=null){ if(prev!=null); prev=root.right; //generating the slashes int r=row+1; for(int i=space+1;i<=spaceAhead.get(root.right)&&i spaceAhead, int[] cumSum){ if(root==null) return; calSpaceAhead(root.left, spaceAhead, cumSum); //System.out.println(root.value+" : "+cumSum[0]); spaceAhead.put(root, cumSum[0]); cumSum[0]+=numberLength(root.value); calSpaceAhead(root.right, spaceAhead, cumSum); } private void putNumberInLine(char[][] prettyTree, int row, int startCol, int value){ String v=String.valueOf(value); for(int j=0;j=l2.value){ l2Prev=l2; l2=l2.right; } else{ if(l2Prev!=null){ l2Prev.right=l1; l1=l1.right; //advance l1 l2Prev.right.right=l2; l2Prev=l2Prev.right; //advance l2Prev }else{ l2Prev=l1; //advance l2Prev head=l2Prev; //change head l1=l1.right; //advance l1 l2Prev.right=l2; } } } if(l2==null&&l1!=null){ if(l2Prev!=null) l2Prev.right=l1; //copy rest of l1 to l2 else head=l1; } return head; } private Node balanceTree(Node root){ ArrayList nodes=new ArrayList(); while(root!=null){ nodes.add(root); root=root.right;} return balanceTreeRecursive(nodes); } private Node balanceTreeRecursive(List nodes){ int n=nodes.size(); if(n==0) return null; int mid=n/2; Node root=nodes.get(mid); root.left=balanceTreeRecursive(nodes.subList(0, mid)); root.right=balanceTreeRecursive(nodes.subList(mid+1, n)); return root; } public boolean subtree(BinarySearchTree s){ if(s==null) return true; return subtree(root, s.root); } private boolean subtree(Node t1, Node t2){ if(t2==null) return true; if(t1==null) return false; if(t1.value==t2.value){ //current node of t1 matches t2's root //System.out.println(t1+" " + t2+" "+t1.right+" "+t2.right ); return subtree(t1.left, t2.left)&&subtree(t1.right, t2.right); } //System.out.println(t1+" " + t2 ); return subtree(t1.left, t2)||subtree(t1.right, t2); } public Node firstCommonAncestor(Node n1, Node n2){ if(n1==null) return n2; if(n2==null) return n1; //System.out.println(n1+" "+n2); return firstCommonAncestor(root, n1, n2); } private Node firstCommonAncestor(Node cur, Node n1, Node n2){ if(cur==null || cur.value==n1.value|| cur.value==n2.value) return cur; Node l= firstCommonAncestor(cur.left, n1, n2); Node r= firstCommonAncestor(cur.right, n1, n2); //System.out.println(cur+" "+l+" "+r); if(l!=null && r!=null) return cur; return l==null?r:l; } //*********************** // main method //*********************** public static void main(String[] args) { new BinarySearchTree().mainNonStatic(); } public void mainNonStatic() { BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(); bst.insert("5"); bst.insert("22"); bst.insert("3"); bst.insert("1"); bst.insert("7"); bst.insert("20"); bst.insert("6"); bst.insert("10"); //System.out.println(bst.size()+" , "+bst.maxDepth()+" , "+bst.minValue()+" , "+bst.maxDepthDifference()); //bst.mirror(); //bst.printTreeInLevels(); //bst.printTree("post"); //bst.printTree("pre"); //bst.printPaths(); //System.out.println(bst.countTree(7)); //bst.printAllBinaryTreesPermutation(4); //System.out.print(bst.firstCommonAncestor(new Node("20"), new Node("22") )); bst.printPrettyTree(); // test subtree() BinarySearchTree bst1 = new BinarySearchTree(); bst1.insert("22"); bst1.insert("7"); bst1.insert("20"); bst1.insert("6"); bst1.printPrettyTree(); // System.out.print(bst.subtree(bst1)); // test merge() BinarySearchTree bst2 = new BinarySearchTree(); bst2.insert("8"); bst2.insert("13"); bst2.insert("9"); bst2.insert("2"); bst2.printPrettyTree(); // BinarySearchTree merged=bst.merge(bst2); // merged.printTree(""); } }