CS 366 - Computer Architecture II: Hardware-Software Interface

Fall 2002


Patrick Troy


919 SEO


(312) 996-8521



Office Hours:


Class Times:

2:00 - 3:15 MW and 2:00 - 2:50 F                 in 230 SES


A Programmer's View of Computer Architecture, Goodman & Miller, Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19-513109-6

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 2nd Ed Updated, Mano & Kime, Prentice Hall Pulb., ISBN 0-13-179473-6


Homework Assignments                                        30%

Midterm  1                (10/2/2002 in class)             20%    

Midterm  2                (11/6/2002 in class)             20%    

Final                           (TBA - Tues 12/10/2002)    30%


1. Stored program architecture                          
2. Languages and systems software                      
3. Assembly language programming                       
4. Floating-point                                        
5. Memory Hierarchy
6. I/O                                                  
7. Control-unit design:                                 
8. Interfacing                                          
9. Advanced CPU Design:                                  


100% - 90.0%             Grade A

89.9% - 80.0%            Grade B

79.9% - 70.0%            Grade C

69.9% - 60.0%            Grade D

59.9% - 0%                 Grade E


Assignments must be turned during class on the day they are due.  If you have any questions regarding how any assignment or test is graded and you think that you deserve more points than you received, you must see the instructor about this within one week of the time the assignment is first returned to the class.  No claims, justifiable or not, will be considered after this dead line. 


Attendance at class is up to the discretion of each student; however, each student is responsible for all information (notes, hand-outs, announcements, etc.) covered during class.  You should ask fellow classmates for missed information, not the instructor or the TA.


In order to receive a passing grade for this course, a student must have a passing average for all of the tests.  For each test, a passing grade will be determined.  If the average test grade for a student is less than the average of the passing grades, the student will automatically fail, regardless of how well the students did in the other parts of the course.


No incompletes will be given for poor performance in the course.  No "extra" work is allowed to make up for poor performance.  Any student caught cheating will receive an E in the course, and face possible dismissal from the University.  Students are advised that it is a violation to copy, or allow another to copy, all or part of an exam or program.


Final letter grades will be assigned based on the total number of point earned during the semester.  The letter grades will be assigned on a curve that will be no higher than those shown above in the "Grading" section.