CS 366 - Computer Architecture II

Exam 1 - Take Home Questions

October 2, 2002


The following questions were those missing from today's exam.  You have until Monday October 7, 2002 at the end of CS 366 class time to submit your answers to Prof. Troy.  If you wish to submit them early or cannot make it to class, drop them off at Prof. Troy's mailbox in 1120 SEO.


1.         Explain the difference between control lines and status lines.  For some example (this example can be one from class or one you create), identify at least one control line and at least one status line.  Make sure that you explain your example enough so that it is clear what are control lines and what are status lines.


2a.       Explain the primary difference between an ASM chart that is written for a hardwired control unit and an ASM chart that is written for a microprogrammed control unit. 


2b.       How does the internal functioning of these two control unit types result in this difference in the ASM chart?