CS 100 - Computer Literacy, Fall 2004

Lab 14

This lab assignment will have you write a jython program that will reduce the size of an image to one-third of its original size.


The program Jython Environment for Students (or JES) is the development environment that we will use for this lab.

In the ACCC Labs, JES can be found by:

  1. Click on Start
  2. Then click on All Programs
  3. Then click on Class Applications
  4. Then click on Engineering
  5. Finally click on Jython Environment for Students

Lab Assignment 14

Due: Thursday 12/9/2004 by 8:00 am

Create a file using JES that will

  1. Contain a comment indicating your Name, Net-ID, Course Name, Assignment Name and a short description of the assignment
  2. Contain a JES function that will This function may call other functions that are built-in to JES or that you have written.

On the ACCC lab computers, the H: drive is a permanent storage area for you. Saving files to this drive on one computer can be accessed from another computer (even another computer in a different lab). It is suggested that you save your python programs to the H: drive.

Use the UNIX turnin command to electronically hand-in your python file using the project name of lab14. Note: you will need to transfer your python file to your icarus account before you can use turnin. You can do this by using the file transfer function of SSH or by emailing your python file to your incarus account. To submit the file in <filename>.py for lab14, the turnin command is entered as:

     turnin -c troy -p lab14 <filename>.py

You are invited to post any and all images you create in the discussion board area in blackboard. You can use that area to show the class how creative you are.