CS 441 Exam Questions

(T/F vs why)
1. For each of the following statements, indicate whether it is true or false, and explain why it is true or false.  (No credit is given for just answering "true" or "false" without an explanation.)
So2.2 The java class ServerSocket is a subclass of the class Socket.
So2.3 The ServerSocket.accept method starts a thread to handle the client connection.
So2.4 In the socket programs in the course notes and the first programming assignment, the server's main method accepts connections in a infinite loop and must be stopped via the operating system kill command.  If we want to allow stopping the server by typing "quit" at the command line, another thread would be needed in the server class.  [or explain/code: thread & synch'd flag]
Se1.2 The class Frame is not serializable.
Se1.2 It is a compiler error to define a class that implements Serializable if it contains a field whose type is not serializable.
Se1.3 Java default serialization copies the referent of every non-static non-transient field to the output stream.  [F: not serailizable]
Se3.4 If a recipient virtual machine is deserializing an object and its serial version UID for the object's class matches that in the stream, but the recipient's version of the class has additional instance variables, an exception occurs.
R1.3 Invoking a remote method can result in a ClassNotFoundException on the server that handles the invocation, even if the server has all the classes it needs to be compiled.  (**or give 2 ways)
R2.3 An RMI remote object must be registered in an rmiregistry running on the same host.
C2.2/5 A CORBA object reference cannot be converted to the corresponding implementation class.
C2.2 In IDL, identifiers are case sensitive.
C2.4 The IDL-to-Java mapping maps structures to Java classes that are serializable.
C4.4.5 A servant manager must be activated before registering it with the POA.
C5.1.3 A corbaname URL can be used to refer to any non-local CORBA object.

So1.3 Describe the primary functionality of server sockets and of client sockets.
Se1.2 **NotSerializableExc when ....
Se 1.3 **default serialization: handling pointers, type identity, via reflection
Se1.3 **why readObject signals ClassNotFoundExc
Se3.1 What is the meaing of the Java keyword transient ?
Se3.1 Give an example of a situation in which an instance vairable would be declared transient.
Se3.2 **class with custom serialization
Se3.4 **versioning and serial version UID

R1.1 Describe three way in which remote method invocation improves on the use of sockets for distributed programming.
[no encoding and parsing, easier to add, inheritance among remote objs, don't need port for each object, object-oriented, simpler with multiple remote objects, can signal exceptions]
R1.2 What is an RMI stub class?  Describe its functionality.
R1.3 Describe the process of marshalling and unmarshalling with RMI.
R1.4 Why should remote object methods be idempotent?
R2.1 **rmic, rmiregistry (what is purpose of ...)
R2.2 Give the two requirements that methods in a remote interface must satisfy that are not necessary for other interface methods, and explain why each is necessary.
R2.3 **Naming
R2.4 In the course notes, we gave the following implementation of the main method for a remote server class:
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
      try {
         coolObj = new CoolImpl(...);
         Naming.rebind(“edu.uic.cs.cs441.CoolService”, coolObj);
      catch (IOException ex) {
         System.out.println(“Could not register coolService”);

It appears that main (and, therefore, the process) terminates after binding the remote object.  Explain why the program does not terminate
R2.6 ** classpath for rmiregistry

C1.1 **RMI vs CORBA
C1.4 **execution semantics
C1.4 **no inheritance for CORBA exceptions
C1.5 **CORBA arch/terms: ORB, IDL compiler, DII & DSI, object adapter, IR, services & facilities, GIOP & IIOP
C1.5 **CORBA vs RMI stubs (sim & diff)  /  RMI vs CORBA marshalling
C2.4 **any
C2.5 What does it mean to designate an IDL operation as oneway ?
C2.5 **in, out, inout parameters
C2.6 Valuetypes were introduced in CORBA 3 to address two problems with parameter passing.  Describe them.  [by value, null values]
C2 Define an IDL module for a simple bank account CORBA object as follows:
1) a currency amount has two fields: a decimal number of up to ten integer digits and two fraction digits and a currency indicator, for which there are three values: US dollars, Canadian dollars, and British pounds
2) accounts support the operations id and owner, both of which return a string, and balance, withdraw and deposit;  withdraw can raise an OverdrawException, which contains the current balance and the withdrawn amount
3) the account manager supports the operations createAccount, which takes a string giving the owner and an initial balance, getAccount, which takes the string ID and can raise InvalidIDException, and getAllAccounts

C3.1 Describe the processing performed by a typical CORBA client program main method.  [init ORB, get obj refs, invoke, excs, orb.destroy]
C3.1 Describe the processing performed by a typical CORBA server program main method.  [init ORB, POA(s) and servants, export obj refs, activate POA mgr, orb.run, excs, orb.destroy]
C3.2.1 **IDL const in module
C3.2.2 **holder & helper classes, narrow
C3.2.3 In Java, RemoteException is a checked exception, but in the IDL-to-Java mapping, SystemException is an unchecked exception.  Which do you think is the correct choice for such exceptions, and why?
C3.2.3 **write the Java class that the IDL-to-Java mapping emits for the following enum
C3.2.3 **no equals, toString for IDL structures, exceptions, enums
C3.2.6 **ops & sig intfs, holder, helper, stub, POA, POATie;  IntfPackage
C3.2.6 **purpose/impl of ops vs sig intfs
C3.2.6 **mapping an IDL type within an interface
C3.2.7 What is the purpose of the tie mechanism in the IDL-to-Java mapping?
C3.2.7 Give a code example that demonstrates how to use the tie mechanism to define and activate a servant. [servant impls ops extends XXXPOATie, pass servant to tie constructor, export tie not servant]
C3.2.7 Explain how to use the tie mechanism when defining and activating a servant.  (You may use a code example to clarify your explanation.)  [servant impls ops extends XXXPOATie, pass servant to tie constructor, export tie not servant]
C4.1 **PIDL, local intfs
C4.2 **CORBA::Object
C4.3 **CORBA::ORB; resolve_initial_references, string_to_object, object_to_string
C4.4.1 ** obj adap purpose, scalability, exs
C4.4.1 What are the primary responsibilities of an object adapter?  [create obj refs, map obj refs to servants]
C4.4.1 How does CORBA provide dynamic binding of the implementation of a CORBA object?  How does this differ from traditional programming languages?
C4.4.1 **root POA, parent-child POAs
C4.4.2 ** 7 policies, PERSISTENT, AOM
C4.4.2 **uses of Servant Retention & Request Processing policy
C4.4.2 **What combination of POA policies would be used for each of the following: a. **session, b. **shopping part c. ** patient.  Explain your answer.
C4.4.2 Suppose a POA uses the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and the program invokes servant_to_reference to obtain an object reference immediately after creating a servant.  Give two different POA policies that would cause this invocation to raise WrongPolicy and explain why each is invalid.  [NON_RETAIN, MULTIPLE_ID]
C4.4.2 For each of the following POA operations, give a POA policy (or a combination of POA policies) that would cause an invocation to raise WrongPolicy and explain why that policy is invalid for that operation.  a. (de)activate_object, b. servant_to_reference, c. create_reference, d. id_to_servant, e. set_servant
C4.4.3 **info in obj ref [intf, host & port, POA name, obj ID]
C4.4.3 ** creating obj ref [activate_object(_with_id), create_reference(_with_id), servant_to_reference, _this]
C4.4.3 Carefully distinguish between the terms CORBA object, object reference, and servant.  [or 2]
C4.4.4 **def servant
C4.4.4-5 **set_servant(Servant) vs. set_servant_manager(ServantManager) needs ref
C4.4.5 ** serv mgr: activator vs locator;  subclass of skeleton;  purpose [lazy instantiation];  activate
C4.4.5 **serv act: incarnate if not in AOM;  factory calls create_ref (write to db), create servant in incarnate (read from db);  eviction, deactivate_object, etherealize
C4.4.5 **serv loc: preinvoke every call, postinvoke after (postinvoke exc to client)
C4.4.5 **ForwardRequest
C4.4.6 **Poa mgr, POA states
C4.4.2&6 a. What does it mean to activate a servant?  b. What does it mean to activate a POA manager?
C4.4.7 **adapter activator
C5.1 Describe three capabilities that are provided by the CORBA Interoperable Naming Service that are not available with the RMI naming service.
C5.2.1 Describe three ways in which the notification provided by the CORBA Event Service differs from that provided by the Java  Observable class.
C5.2.1 What is an event channnel in the CORBA Event Service?  Give three notification characteristics implemented by the event channel and explain how it does so.  [loose coupling of suppliers and consumers, non-blocking notification, notification caching for pull, mixed-mode]
C5.2.1 **push/pull
C5.2.2 **pull vs try_pull
C5.2.2 **proxy supplier and consumer, admin objects, channel.for_consumers().obtain_pull_supplier().connect_pull_consumer(...)
C5.2.3 **Notification Service