MP 4 Development Report

Due Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2006, at 10:00 am

This report requires both a hard/paper copy and an electronic copy to be turned it. Both items must be submitted by the due date of the assignment. The hard copy is to be turned in to Prof. Troy's mailbox in 1120 SEO (not outside his door). The electronic copy is to be submitted via the Digital Drop Box in CS 441 area of Blackboard.

This report is to discuss in depth the steps needed to create, deploy and run MP 4. These steps should include to

A number of these things are done automatically for you by NetBeans. Your report should include insight about what NetBeans is doing and how it might be done without NetBeans. The report is meant for you to show that you have a thorough understanding of the elements used in MP 4. This report should not be a simple rehashing of a tutorial given for an Application Server. This report should include ideas and insights you have gained in going thought the deployment process. You are welcome to refer to such a tutorial, but be sure to cite the tutorial so there is no question of plagerism.

Your report should add value to what you can find on the web. Simply stated, "Download Application Server X from URL Y" adds very little value. An example of something that would add value would be how to use the Application SErver in general (i.e. what is the directory structure used by the application, where should the .jar, .ear and .war files be placed).

If you have worked as a group on MP 4, your group may turn in a single report. Make sure that your report clearly identifies all members of the group.

The grade for this report will be used to replace the grade for one exam grade (midterm or final). If you write the report and take the final, it will be assumed that the report is replacing the grade for the midterm.