CS 101 - Intro to Computing, Fall 2008

Finger Exercise 1

Java Programming

When doing Java Programming,it is very important to follow a basic Java Template. Below is a file called Template.java

 * Class for creating a template for a simple Java program
 * @author Pat Troy: troy AT uic DOT edu

// Note the name of the class in the following line MUST
// match the name of the file.  This is stored in a file
// named: Template.java 
public class Template 
  public static void main (String[] args) 
    System.out.println("Begin Java Exection");

    // put your Java Program here

    System.out.println("End Java Exection");
} // end of Template class

Finger Exercise 1

Due: Monday 9/15/2008 by 11:59 pm

For this assignment, complete the following:

  1. Using the file MyTurtleTest.java as a starting point, modify the program so that it creates out a 5 pointed star as shown below:

    Think about the geometry of the diagram to determine the angles for each turn.

    Be sure to change comment with the name of the author to contain the following:

  2. You must to submit the Java file electronically to the Digital Drop Box inside of Blackboard.

  3. You are also to post the image created by your turtle drawing to the proper discussion board in Blackboard (the one called "Finger Exercise 1").

Grading Criteria