CS 101 - Introduction to Computing, Fall 2008

Lab 13

For this lab, you will take a sound snippit and decode it by playing it in reverse.

Choose from any of the following sample sounds and see what secret message they might contain. To do this, you will have to make a Java program which can reverse the order in which a sound is played.
Please right click and "save file as..."

Secret #1
Secret #2
Secret #3
Secret #4
Secret #5
Secret #6

To aide you in creating this Java program, code from Thursday's lecture will be quite beneficial.

In this lab, all main will do is prompt for a sound file to decode, send this sound to a method called "reverseSound()", and then play or explore the sound that is returned.

After you have successfully decoded a sound, please write in your comments section the secret number you chose and what the secret message said. You can of course do more than one if you feel so inclined.

The final result will be a decoded sound. What secret phrase have you uncovered?

Lab Assignment 13

Due: Monday 12/1/2008 by 11:59 pm (you can always turn it in early)

Create a Java program that will:

  1. Contain a comment indicating

  2. Contain the main() method that will

Submittal of the Lab Assignment