CS 340 - Public/Private Key Encrypting

Due: Thursday 9/30/2005 at 11:59 pm

For this project, you are to write a set of programs that will perform Public-Key Encryption using the RSA Algorithm. The first program will create the public-key private-key pair. The second program will use a key to encrypt/decrypt an ASCII text message.

The RSA alogorithm needs three related numbers to work. These number will be called e, d and n. The pair (e,n) compose the public-key, while the pair (d,n) compose the private key. To encrypt a value m into m' we preform the operation of:

     m' = me mod n
To decrypt the value of m' back to m, we perform the operation of:
     m  = m'd mod n

The creation of the values of e, d and n start with the selection of two prime numbers p and q. The value of n is the result of p * q. We need to make sure that the values p and q are large any value we wish to encrypt. Thus to encrypt a ASCII value we need values of p and q to be larger than 127.

     n  = p * q

To create e and d, we first must create a value φ which is:

     φ  = (p-1) * (q-1)
The value of e some arbitrary number that is less than n and relatively prime to φ. There should be many numbers that fit this criteria and any one is valid. A number x is relatively prime of y if they have no divisor in common other than 1. This means the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) is 1. The GCD of two numbers can be computed via the Euclidean Algorithm.

The value of d can be calculated once e has been determined. The value of d is the inverse of e modulo φ. Which means

     (e * d) mod φ = 1
The calculation of both e and d is done via trial and error. You start with a possible value and see if it is valid. If not, you change the value and try again. This is done in a loop which exits when a valid value is found. The code for calculation of e, d and n from the values of p and q can be found at different places around the web. Check out: http://cisnet.baruch.cuny.edu/holowczak/classes/9444/rsademo/ If you use code from the web, you must
  1. Explicitly cite the location of the original code!
  2. Add comments to explain its usage.
  3. Translate the code to C++.

Key Creation Program

The keys that are to be created by the first program and used by the second program are to be stored in files using the XML format. Note that the names of tags must match what is given below, but the spacing need not. Also, the order of the e and n values in the public key and the order of the d and n values in the private key can be reversed.

The public key is to be store as:


The private key is to be stored as:


The program that creates the keys will need the values of p and q as input. Your program must allow these values can be given as command line arguments or allow the user to be prompted for these values while the program is being executed. Thus your program must parse the command line arguments are check if two integer values are given. If they are given, these are the values to be used for p and q. If they are not given, prompt the user to enter in these values. This prompting is to be done via a text-based interface. Once the values of p and q are supplied, your program must verify that they are different prime numbers and that they are indeed large enough for the algorithm (> 128). If they are not different prime numbers or are not large enough, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action".

The filenames that are used to contain the keys can be anything. Your program should use some default name if the user does not specify a name (such as key1, key2 or pubkey, prikey). The user is to be allowed specify the names via the command line flag of -o. Immediately following the flag two words should be given which will be used to hold the public key and the private key. If the user does not provide two words after the -o flag, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action".

The command line arguments can be given in any order as long as the two words for the key filenames immediately follow the -o flag if present.

For 5 points extra credit, your program can randomly generate two valid prime numbers for p and q. The user is to be able to inform your program to do this by either specifying the command line argument flag of -c or answering a prompt if the prime numbers are not given on the command line. To receive the extra credit, your program must allow both methods. The prime numbers generated must not always be the same pair of prime numbers (i.e. you can't just hardcode two prime numbers into your program).

We will also want a simple helper program. This program will simple create a list of prime numbers in a range from 128 to 500.

Encryption Program

In order to keep things simple and verifiable, we will encrypt/decrypt one ASCII character at a time. The form of the files used will be a list of decimal integers one to a line. Each line will correspond to a single ASCII character in the original file.

The user can specify the file to be encrypted or decrypted on the command line with the flag of -f. The word immediately following the -f flag is the name of the file to be encrypted/decrypted. If the -f flag is not given, the program is to prompt the user for a filename. If the file does not exist or no name is given, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action".

The user can specify the key file to be used on the command line with the flag of -k. The word immediately following the -k flag is the name of the file that contains the key to be used. If the -k flag is not given, the program is to prompt the user for a filename. If the file does not exist or no name is given, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action". If the key file is not in the specified XML format, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action".

The user can specify the name of the resulting encrypted/decrypted file on the command line with the flag of -o. The word immediately following the -o flag is to be used as the filename to store the resulting file. If the -o flag is not give, the program is to prompt the user for a filename. If no name is given, an error is to be reported to the user and your program is to perform some "reasonable action".

We will need to supporting programs. The first will take a normal ASCII text file and convert it to a file where each line contains the numeric value of a single ASCII character from the original text file. The second program will perform the reverse operation. This one will take the file with one decimal value per line and create a normal ASCII text file.

One issue that may arise with this program is the size of the integer values as a result of the exponentiation required by the program. You are to write a C++ class to handle these large numeric values. In searching the web, I found the following class that may be useful: http://mattmccutchen.net/bigint/.

How to turn in your work

Your program is to be submitted electronically via the turnin command on the LINUX machines. The project name for this is proj2. All programs are expected to be written in good programming style.

Turnin your program electronically using the "turnin" command from your CS account as follows:

turnin -c cs340 -p proj2  [your project directory]
where the [your project directory] is the directory name under which you have all your files related to this programming problem. The turnin command will automatically compress the data under your directory, so there is no need to do the compression by yourself.

Notice you can only invoke turnin command on the Linux machines in the lab or after logging into the server machine oscar.cs.uic.edu.

If you want to verify that your project was turned in, look in the turnin directory for a file with your userid. For instance for this project, from your CS account you would type:

    turnin -c cs340 -p proj2 -v

Note that you can execute turnin as many times as you would like, up until the program deadline when turnin will be disabled for this project. Each time you execute turnin for a project, you overwrite all of what you had turned in previously for that project.It does not work in an incremental way.

CS 340 - Fall 2008