EECS 101: Summer 1998

The (brief) writeup for lab 5 (the calculator) can be found by clicking here.

Here are the solutions to the quizzes:
quiz 1
quiz 2
quiz 3
quiz 4
quiz 5
quiz 6
quiz 7

Lecture notes
Instructor information
Tom Moher
2072 ERF
Office hours T 1:30-2:30 Th 9:30-10:30

Tina Murthy
Assignments and Grading Policy
There will be a quiz every Tuesday morning (starting the second week of the course) at the beginning of class (10:45 AM), lasting 15 minutes. Each quiz is worth a maximum of 10 points; we will drop the lowest score of the seven quizzes, for a total of 60 points possible toward your final grade.

There will be a lab due every Wednesday morning (starting the second week of the course) at the beginning of class (8:00 AM). Each lab is worth a maximum of 10 points; we will drop the lowest score of the seven labs, for a total of 60 points possible toward your final grade.

Final exam
The final exam will be worth 30 points. You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course, regardless of your scores on previous quizzes and labs.

Course grade
The course will be graded on a curve. However, the curve will be no lower than the following: