import*; class Point2d { // The X and Y coordinates of the point private int x; private int y; // A trick to help with debugging private boolean debug; public void dprint (String s) { // print the debugging string only if the "debug" // data member is true if (debug) System.out.println("Debug: " + s); } public void setDebug (boolean b) { debug = b; } public Point2d (int px, int py) { x = px; y = py; // turn off debugging debug = false; } public Point2d () { this (0, 0); } public Point2d (Point2d pt) { x = pt.getX(); y = pt.getY(); // a better method would be to replace the above code with // this (pt.getX(), pt.getY()); // especially since the above code does not initialize the // variable debug. This way we are reusing code that is already // working. } public void setX(int px) { dprint ("setX(): Changing value of X from " + x + " to " + px ); x = px; } public int getX() { return x; } public void setY(int py) { dprint ("setY(): Changing value of Y from " + y + " to " + py ); y = py; } public int getY() { return y; } public void setXY(int px, int py) { setX(px); setY(py); } public double distanceFrom (Point2d pt) { int dx = Math.abs(x - pt.getX()); int dy = Math.abs(y - pt.getY()); // check out the use of dprint() dprint ("distanceFrom(): deltaX = " + dx); dprint ("distanceFrom(): deltaY = " + dy); return Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); } public double distanceFromOrigin () { return distanceFrom (new Point2d ( )); } public String toStringForXY() { String str = "(" + x + ", " + y; return str; } public String toString() { String str = toStringForXY() + ")"; return str; } public static void main (String[] args) { Point2d pt1 = new Point2d (); System.out.println ("pt1 = " + pt1); Point2d pt2 = new Point2d(4, 3); System.out.println ("pt2 = " + pt2); pt1.setDebug(true); // turning on debugging // statements for pt1 System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt1 + " to " + pt2 + " is " + pt1.distanceFrom(pt2)); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt2 + " to " + pt1 + " is " + pt2.distanceFrom(pt1)); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt1 + " to the origin (0, 0) is " + pt1.distanceFromOrigin()); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt2 + " to the origin (0, 0) is " + pt2.distanceFromOrigin()); pt1.setXY(3, 5); System.out.println ("pt1 = " + pt1); pt2.setXY(-3, -5); System.out.println ("pt2 = " + pt2); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt1 + " to " + pt2 + " is " + pt1.distanceFrom(pt2)); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt2 + " to " + pt1 + " is " + pt2.distanceFrom(pt1)); pt1.setDebug(false); // turning off debugging // statements for pt1 System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt1 + " to the origin (0, 0) is " + pt1.distanceFromOrigin()); System.out.println ("Distance from " + pt2 + " to the origin (0, 0) is " + pt2.distanceFromOrigin()); } }