Lab 10 - JavaScript Functions


This week we are going to look at functions in JavaScript.  A function serves two main purposes.

     First, it is an organizational technique that allows the details of a section of code to be set up to allow for easier reading of the program.

     Second, it allows for different parts of a program to perform the same calculation with only having to write the code once.


Below are examples of both of these.  The first example is the way we have always used functions with the events handlers.  We could have written the actual JavaScript code instead of the function call; however, by using the function call we separate the HTML code from the JavaScript code to increase readability.


<script language = "JavaScript">

function display ()


 // code for the function




<input type="button" value="Click here"

            onClick = "display()">


For the second example, assume the program needs to evaluate some number of quadratic equations.  Instead of writing the code for this calculation over and over in the program, we can write the code once in a function and make a call to that function whenever we need to evaluate a quadratic equation.  This example assumes there is a text field named digits in the form named theForm.


<script language="JavaScript">

// The following function will return the value of the equation:

//            Ax**2 + Bx + C, where A, B, C and x are given as the parameters

function quad_eval (a, b, c, x)


 var result = a * x * x             // compute Ax**2

 result = result + b *x            // compute Bx and add to previous result

 result = result + c                   // add C to previous result


 return result;             // send this value back to the calling code



// compute 4x**2 + 3x + 7, where x is stored in the variable new_numb

value1 = quad_eval (4, 3, 7, new_numb)


// compute 1x**2 - 4, where x is stored in the text field "digits"

value2 = qual_eval (1, 0, -4, document.theForm.digits.value)




The keyword return allows the JavaScript function to send a single value back to the function call.  This value can be stored by the use of an assignment statement, as shown in the example.  This assignment is the same as we did for the prompt() dialog box. 


The parameters of a function are used to make the function more flexible.  Remember that the order of the items used at the function call determines how each item is named in the function by the parameter.  For example, the first call to quad_eval has the items: 4, 3, 7 and new_numb.  This means that whenever the code in the function uses the parameter a, the value of 4 is used.  Whenever the code in the function uses the parameter b, the value of 3 is used.  Whenever the code in the function uses the parameter c, the value of 7 is used.  Whenever the code in the function uses the parameter x, the value of the variable new_numb is used.  However, the second call to quad_eval has the items: 1, 0, -4 and document.theForm.digits.value.  So the values associated with the parameters a, b, c and x are different.


Lab Assignment - Due at the end of lab during the 11th week (week of 3/25/2002).


Submit to the Digital Drop for CS 101 the JavaScript/HTML code that does the following:


    Create a JavaScript program that has two text fields and three buttons.

    When the user clicks the first button, fill in the first text field with a random integer number from 1 to 10.  (The use of Math.floor() and Math.random() is suggested.)

    When the user clicks the second button, fill in the second text field with a random integer number from 1 to 10.

    Write the code that generates the random number once.  This code will need to be placed in a function that will be called when either button is clicked.  When each button is clicked, a different function can be called, but these different functions need to call the exact same function.

    When the user clicks the third button, display an alert box that tells which text field has the larger number or if the two numbers are equal.