CS 101 - Lab 4

Due at end of lab during fifth week

Frames: Allow a way to multiple URL's on a "single" web page.  There are three main tags: <frameset>, <frame> and <noframes>.  Note: The proper nesting of commands is important.  Don't forget to check out the example f-main.html in the EECS 101 web directory.


<frameset> </frameset> - attributes:  rows, cols

The main purpose of this tag is to divide the screen into multiple areas.  The screen can be divided into multiple rows or multiple columns.  In order to get both rows and columns, we would need to nest multiple <frameset> tags.  One to divide into rows/columns, the other to divide each row/column into columns/rows.  The rows and cols attribute takes list of an integer values, a percent values or an *, which will specify the number of rows or columns and the height of each rows or the width of each columns.  The * is used to indicates the remaining space for the last row or column.


<frame> - attributes: src, name (plus others that will not be covered here)

This tag allows you to assign a URL to an area and also to assign a name to that area.  The name is only referenced with the target attribute of the <a> tag (see below).


<noframes> </noframes> - attributes: none

This tag allows a "warning message" to be displayed if the user's web browser doesn't accept frames.


<a></a> - new attribute: target

This new attribute allows a link in one frame to change the content in another frame.  The value of the target attribute should be the value of the name attribute from the <frame> tag of the frame in which you wish the URL to appear.  There are also four predefined target values:

     _blank           Load the URL  into a new unnamed window.

     _self               Load the URL into the current frame (this is the default).

     _parent         Remove the most recent frames and load the URL.  This only makes sense if you                       have a framed page inside of another framed page.

     _top               Remove all existing frames and load the URL. 


In the WWW directory of the i101 account, there are six files: red.html, green.html, blue.html, white.html, black.html and gray.html.  You may wish to copy these files over to your own WWW directory.


     Create a frameset with two frames, one context area and one menu area. 


     The menu area is to control the color displayed in the context area.  To do this, create two HTML files for the menu area.  Each of these HTML menu files will have five links:  

     The first three links in the first menu file will cause the context area to display the file red.html, green.html or blue.html respectively. 

     The first three links in the second menu file will cause the context area to display the file white.html, black.html or gray.html respectively.  

     The fourth link in the first menu file will cause the menu area to display the second menu file, while the fourth link in the second menu file will cause the menu area to display the first menu file.

     The fifth link on both menu files should replace all of the frames with your own home page (or some other web page of your choice).


     It doesn't matter which color is initially displayed in the context area, nor which menu is initially displayed in the menu area.


Lab Assignment


Using the Digital Drop Box in CourseInfo, turn in the three hmtl files that were described above (the file with the <frameset> tag(s) and both menu files).  These files should be zipped together.


To zip files together when submitting to the Digital Drop Box, use the following steps:

  1. Create a directory with the name of NNNNN_PPP, where NNNNN is your netid and PPP is the name of the assignment you are working on (i.e. lab4, mp2, etc.).
  2. Put all needed files into the directory created in step 1.
  3. Zip the entire folder.  It is suggested to use WinZip on a PC and gzip on a UNIX machine.
  4. Submit the created zip file to the Digital Drop Box.


Further things to try:

     Copy the frameset page that you created for the lab assignment.  Edit the <frameset> tag so that if the frames originally appeared side-by-side, they should now appear above and below.  If the frames originally appeared above and below each other, they should now appear side-by-side.  Which layout looks better to you?