Exam Topics

The first exam is on Thursday 3/8/2007 during lecture. The topics for the exam include:
Picture Functions in JES

This is a list of functions that you may find useful when you are creating programs to manipulate or create pictures in JES. Remember, these functions are part of a special library, and are not available in other Jython programming environments.
addLine addLine(picture, startX, startY, endX, endY):
picture: the picture you want to draw the line on
startX: the x position you want the line to start
startY: the y position you want the line to start
endX: the x position you want the line to end
endY: the y position you want the line to end
Takes a picture, a starting (x, y) position (two numbers), and an ending (x, y) position (two more numbers, four total) and draws a black line from the starting point to the ending point in the picture.
addRect(picture, startX, startY, width, height):
picture: the picture you want to draw the rectangle on
startX: the x-coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle
startY: the y-coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle
width: the width of the rectangle
height: the height of the rectangle
Takes a picture, a starting (x, y) position (two numbers), and a width and height (two more numbers, four total) then draws a black rectangle in outline of the given width and height with the position (x, y) as the upper left corner.
addRectFilled addRectFilled(picture, startX, startY, width, height):
picture: the picture you want to draw the rectangle on
startX: the x-coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle
startY: the y-coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle
width: the width of the rectangle
height: the height of the rectangle
Takes a picture, a starting (x, y) position (two numbers), and a width and height (two more numbers, four total) then draws a black-filled rectangle of the given width and height with the position (x, y) as the upper left corner.
addText addText(picture, xpos, ypos, text):
picture: the picture you want to add the text to
xpos: the x-coordinate where you want to start writing the text
ypos: the y-coordinate where you want to start writing the text
text: s string containing the text you want written
Takes a picture, an x position and a y position (two numbers), and some text as a string, which will get drawn into the picture.
distance distance(color1, color2):
color1: the first color you want compared
color2: the second color you want compared
Takes two Color objects and returns a single number representing the distance between the colors. The red, green, and blue values of the colors are taken as a point in (x, y, z) space, and the cartesian distance is computed.
getColor getColor(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to extract the color from
returns: a color, the color from the pixel
Takes a Pixel and returns the Color object at that pixel.
getRed getRed(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to get the amount of red from
returns: the red value of the pixel
Takes a Pixel object and returns the value (between 0 and 255) of the amount of redness in that pixel.
getGreen getGreen(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to get the amount of green from
returns: the green value of the pixel
Takes a Pixel object and returns the value (between 0 and 255) of the amount of greenness in that pixel.
getBlue getBlue(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to get the amount of blue from
returns: the blue value of the pixel
Takes a Pixel object and returns the value (between 0 and 255) of the amount of blueness in that pixel.
getHeight getHeight(picture):
picture: the picture you want to get the height of
returns: the height of the picture
Takes a picture as input and returns its length in the number of pixels top-to-bottom in the picture.
getPixels getPixels(picture):
picture: the picture you want to get the pixels from
returns: a list of all the pixels in the picture
Takes a picture as input and returns the sequence of Pixel objects in the picture.
getPixel getPixel(picture, xpos, ypos):
picture: the picture you want to get the pixel from
xpos: the x-coordinate of the pixel you want
ypos: the y-coordinate of the pixel you want
Takes a picture, an x position and a y position (two numbers), and returns the Pixel object at that point in the picture.
getWidth getWidth(picture):
picture: the picture you want to get the width of
returns: the width of the picture
Takes a picture as input and returns its length in the number of pixels left-to-right in the picture.
getX getX(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to find the x-coordinate of
returns: the x-coordinate of the pixel Takes in a pixel object and returns the x position of where that pixel is in the picture.
getY getY(pixel):
pixel: the pixel you want to find the y-coordinate of
returns: the y-coordinate of the pixel Takes in a pixel object and returns the y position of where that pixel is in the picture.
makeColor makeColor(red, green, blue):
red: the amount of red you want in the color
green: the amount of green you want in the color
blue: the amount of blue you want in the picture
returns: the color made from the inputs
Takes three inputs: For the red, green, and blue components (in order), then returns a color object.
makeDarker makeDarker(color):
color: the color you want to darken
returns: the new, darker color
Takes a color and returns a slightly darker version of the original color.
makeLighter makeLighter(color):
color: the color you want to lighten
returns: the new, lighter color
Takes a color and returns a slightly lighter version of the original color.
makePicture makePicture(path):
path: the name of the file you want to open as a picture
returns: a picture object made from the file
Takes a filename as input, reads the file, and creates a picture from it. Returns the picture.
pickAColor pickAColor():
returns: the color selected in the picker
Takes no input, but puts up a color picker. Find the color you want, and the function will return the Color object of what you picked.
pickAFile pickAFile():
returns: a string containing the path to the file selected in the file picker
Lets the user pick a file and returns the complete path name as a string. No input.
setColor setColor(pixel, color):
pixel: the pixel you want to set the color of
color: the color you want to set the pixel to
Takes in a pixel and a color, and sets the pixel to the provided color.
repaint repaint(picture):
picture: the picture you want to repaint
Repaints the picture if it has been opened in a window from show(picture).
setRed setRed(pixel, redValue):
pixel: the pixel you want to set the red value in.
redValue: a number (0 - 254) for the new red value of the pixel
Takes in a Pixel object and a value (between 0 and 254) and sets the redness of that pixel to the given value.
setGreen setGreen(pixel, greenValue):
pixel: the pixel you want to set the green value in.
greenValue: a number (0 - 254) for the new green value of the pixel
Takes in a Pixel object and a value (between 0 and 254) and sets the greenness of that pixel to the given value.
setBlue setBlue(pixel, blueValue):
pixel: the pixel you want to set the blue value in.
blueValue: a number (0 - 254) for the new blue value of the pixel
Takes in a Pixel object and a value (between 0 and 254) and sets the blueness of that pixel to the given value.
show show(picture):
picture: the picture you want to see
Shows the picture provided as input.
writePictureTo writePictureTo(picture, path):
picture: the picture you want to be written out to a file
path: the path to the file you want the picture written to
Takes a picture and a file name (string) as input, then writes the picture to the file as a JPEG. (Be sure to end the filename in ".jpg" for the operating system to understand it well.)