CS 101 - Introduction to Computing

Spring 2007

Homework 1 - "Do It Yourself Andy Warhol"

Due: March 1, 2007 at 11:59 pm

Andy Warhol is famous for creating silkscreen prints of common images. These prints often had the same image duplicated many times and varied the color used. An online art musuem at http://www.malarze.walhalla.pl/galeria.php5?art=70 shows many examples of his art.

For this homework project, you are to be inspired by Andy Warhol to create a collage of at least 4 different versions of the same original image. At least two of the versions are to be posterizations using different final colors. The other versions of the image can be done in anyway you like as long as they are not the same. The different versions can be displayed horizontally, vertically or in some grid format.

You are not to hardcode in the image used or the size of the resulting image. You should prompt the user for an image, create and display the collage and allow the user to save the final collage in any filename of their choice. This will mostlikely require you to use the build in picture functions of getWidth(), getHeight() and makeEmptyPicture().

You code must be commented and written in good programming style. You are to submit the image to the digital drop box when finished.