CS 101 - Introduction to Computing, Spring 2010

Lab 12

This lab will have you combine two sound files to add a "background" soundtrack to a foreground sound. The following files of the Gettysburg Address and the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution are great foreground sound files.

The background file should be repeated it if is not as long as the foreground file. We will also want to make the background sound quieter than it originally is, so we wish to make its volume a third of its original value. The example program of Lect48c.java is a good starting place for this lab. Here are some good files for the background sound:

To combine two sound files, you simply just add the sample values together. The only problem occurs if the resulting value goes above 32,767 or below -32,768. A simple solution is to use an if statement to check for this. Two simple if statements can check for this and correct the problem if it occurs. To correct this, just set the value to either 32,767 if the value was greater than 32,767 or set the value to -32768. if the value was less than -32,768.

Lab Assignment 12

Due: Thursday 4/15/2010 by 11:59 pm

Create a Java program that will:

  1. Contain a comment indicating

  2. Contain the main() method that will

  3. Contain the addSoundtrack() method that will:
Here are some example sound files you can use with this assignment.

Submittal of the Lab Assignment

  1. Go to the blackboard site for the class
  2. Select "Assignments" on the left bar
  3. Locate the correct assignment to submit; click on "View/Complete Assignment" at the bottom of that assignment
  4. Next to "Attach local file", click "Choose file", choose the file you want to submit; please submit only ONE file, properly named.
    For example for lab2, name it Lab2yournetid.java, for example if your Net ID is sfranz3, the filename would be Lab2sfranz3.java
    Please only submit source code file (the .java file, not the .class). Also, if you have any comment about your program, please write it down in the same file; please do NOT write in the "Comments" field on the submission page (this will go into a different file and will be easily missed).
  5. Hit "Submit"
  6. Go back once again to View/Complete assignment and make sure that your file was submitted; also, this page will show your grade and comments (if any) after assignments are graded.