CS 101 - Introduction to Computing, Spring 2011

Lab 1

For this assignment, we will combine a few different tasks.

  1. Search the Internet for answers to various questions.
  2. Submit a file for grading to Blackboard that contains the answers and a few other things.

Searching the Internet

According to the show of hands during lecture, most people state they have used the internet to search for information. Many people prefer to use Google at www.google.com to search for information.

The key to using any search engine is determining the best keywords to use for your search. Google's Advanced Search at http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en is a good place to help narrow down the results from your search.

Lab Assignment 1

Due: Thursday 1/20/2011 by 11:59 pm (i.e. midnight)

Submit a File for Grading in Blackboard