Leland Wilkinson
Chief Scientist, H2O.ai
clt Central Limit Theorem.
clusterk-Means clustering.
edgesAlgorithms for computing edges of graphs.
smoothersNonparametric smoothers (and a Galton puzzle).
graph layout Graph layout.
label layout Label layout.
parserRecursive descent parser.
automataWolfram's cellular automata.
Lecture Notes on Data Analysis, Statistics, and Machine Learning
Visualizing Outliers
Searching Similar Images in Large Image Collections
Transforming Scagnostics to Reveal Hidden Features
CHIRP: A set-covering classifier
Venn and Euler Data Diagrams
Stacking Graphic Elements to Avoid Over-Plotting
TimeSeer: Scagnostics for High-Dimensional Time Series
Visual Pattern Discovery using Random Projections
The History of the Cluster Heat Map
High-Dimensional Visual Analytics: Interactive Exploration Guided by Pairwise Views of Point Distributions
Scagnostics distributions
Topographically-Based Real-Time Traffic Anomaly Detection in a Metropolitan Highway System
AutoVis: Automatic visualization
Galton's bend: A previously undiscovered nonlinearity in Galton's family stature data
Revising the Pareto Chart
The Language of Graphics
EDA and the Internet
Presentation Graphics
nViZn: An Algebra-Based Visualization System
Streaming Graphics
Statistical Methods in Psychology Journals: Guidelines and Explanations
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio Typologies are Misleading
Dot Plots
Algorithms for Choosing the Domain and Range when Plotting a Function
Practical Guidelines for Testing Statistical Software
Comment on Cleveland
Less is more: Two- and three-dimensional graphics for data display
Tree Structured Data Analysis: AID, CHAID and CART
A Scaled Logistic Quasi-Simplex is a Football and its Stress is not a Function of the Number of Points
American Statistical Association
Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources
Stephan Wilkinson
Alec Wilkinson
Amie Wilkinson
Caroline Wilkinson
Benson Farb
Ruth VanDemark
Last revised, 7 January 2018