Workshop on Cloud-Mobile Convergence for Virtual Reality, 2010
| About the Workshop | Paper Submission | Organizers | Committee | Participation | Workshop Program | Past CMCVR | |
About the Workshop:Today's mobile devices are becoming the center of personal computing experience, thanks for the improved CPU performance, multimedia processing power and storage capacity. However, their capabilities are still (and continue to be) constrained by the intrinsic characteristics of reduced form factor, limited battery capacity and restricted price. An emerging trend is to make use of the ubiquitous connectivity of mobile devices to make cloud-based resource seamlessly accessible, towards a converged paradigm of mobile computing and cloud computing. This promising scenario will specifically benefit VR and AR systems and applications, enabling them to be "on-the-go" capable. Being an intriguing field to explore, CMCVR calls for research advances on topics like new architecture of infrastructure, state-of-the art enabling technologies, optimized encoding/processing/distribution of contents, novel applications models and comprehensive understanding of the user needs. This workshop is at its second year and intends to bring its participants together on these important and interesting issues. Organized by the researchers that have worked on distributed VR systems, pervasive computing and mobile devices for years, this workshop would like to invite researchers and practitioners alike to participate in the discussion of topics related to infrastructure, device, content, application and user aspects of cloud-mobile convergence for VR. We will also examine several state-of-the-art systems that feature some characteristics of this concept. The papers, presentations and supplemental submission materials will provide the basics for the plenary discussion. The list of topics includes but is not limited to:
Online Paper Submission:Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished manuscripts in standard IEEE proceedings format (two-column format with a 6-page limit including figures, tables, and references) in PDF format that include contact information of all the authors through the EDAS submission site. Submitted paper should address at least one of the workshop topics or a relevant topic indicated by the author. Accepted paper must be presented at the workshop. Important Dates:
This workshop is IEEE-sponsored, all accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore digital library.Organizers:
Technical Program Committee:
Participation:Participants are invited to submit a position statement, research paper or experience paper through the online submission system, which will be reviewed by the technical program committee. Position statements can describe research questions, practical problems and claims. They should be limited to a maximum of 2 pages. Research papers can be 4-6 pages long and describe novel ideas, state-of-art techniques and system solutions, as well as surveys and reviews of existing technologies. Experience papers are expected to be 2-4 pages in size and present the experiences of designing, using and evaluating technologies that involve the clouds and mobile devices. Besides paper submission, showcase demonstrations are welcome and strongly encouraged. All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore digital library. Peer-reviewed supplemental materials (audios, videos, animations, and showcase demonstration applications) will be put on a workshop DVD for the participants. Workshop Program:Preliminary program of the workshop includes presentations of five accepted papers, one invited talk, and a round-table panel discussion and/or research lab tour (TBD):