
I list here the syllabi of classes I have taught. No web pages are included because I use Blackboard/CourseInfo to develop course web pages.

* Spring 02, 03, 05, 06: CS 421, Natural Language Processing.

* Fall 02, 03, 04, 05: CS 476, Programming Language Design.

* Fall 01, 02, 05: CS 411 (EECS484), Artificial Intelligence.

* Spring 05: CS 594, Seminar on Statistical Natural Language Processing. List of papers we read.

* Spring 01: EECS 478, User Interface Design and Programming.

* Spring and Fall 00: EECS 360, Data Structures and Algorithms.

* Fall 99, Fall 00: EECS 584, advanced Artificial Intelligence.

* Spring 99: EECS 101, Introduction to Computing.

From 1993 to 1996, I was a lecturer in the Computational Linguistics program at Carnegie Mellon University. One class I taught there was Natural Language Processing 2 --- Pragmatics and Discourse Processing