Photo of Jalal Alowibdi

Jalal Suliman Alowibdi

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I defended my Ph.D. thesis titled "Detecting Deception in Online Social Network" on Oct 8th, 2014. In Fall 2009, I joined the University of Illinois at Chicago as Ph.D. Student in computer science at Department of the Computer Science, College of Engineering. My research is centered primarily around Social Networks, Data Mining and Software Engineering. In particular, I am interested in Privacy, Security, Analysis and Information Retrieval on Social Networks. I am working closely with Dr. Ugo A. Buy and Prof. Philip S. Yu on various problems in social networks. The main problem, in which there is no solution, is to detect deception in online social network such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, I worked previously with Prof. Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Dr. Shahram Rahimi, Dr. Henry Hexmoor, Dr. Jane Cleland-Huang, Prof. Fathy Eassa and Prof. Amr Sharaf. I am very motivative and eager to learn. My concept is to read a lot specifically your interests, record every single idea comes to your mind, open your wise mind, think thoroughly in positive manner, answer a questionable question with thinkable and imaginable view, motivate and trust your ideas and yourself and Honestly, you will succeed easily.

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I am sponsored By:

  • Ministry of Higher Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.