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I'm PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

I hold a position as a Research Assistant with Prof. Gmytrasiewicz.
I'm part of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and member of the Multiagent Systems Group.

This is me.
This is me.


email: apanel2 AT uic DOT edu
website: http://www.cs.uic.edu/~apanella
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/apanella

4029 Science and Engineering Labs West (SELW)
University of Illinois at Chicago
842 W Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60607

What's new

  • My thesis proposal entitled “Multiagent Stochastic Planning With Bayesian Policy Recognition” has been accepted at the 18th AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium, to be held next July in Bellevue, WA.
  • Check out the video preview for the at CHI 2013 paper on personalized embodied interactions in museum exhibits I co-authored.
  • The research page has been updated.
  • It has been a while since I last update this website. In the meantime, I traveled to Kenya, visited interesting places, and re-calibrated my research focus.
  • One of my papers got accepted at CHI 2013!
  • I recently gave a talk on Bayesian nonparametrics at my department's Machine Learning seminar, check out the slides here.
  • Also, I have updated my CV.
  • There's a new picture of me!
  • I uploaded the slides of the presentation on probabilistic representation and reasoning I did for the Knowledge Representation reading group, which you can get from here.
  • Also, team BERGAMO won the beach volleyball intramural torunament!
  • Links page (although still incomplete - lots of links missing) has been uploaded.
  • "Research" page has been added, which contains some information about my current and past research work.
  • The first (incomplete) draft of the website is up and (almost) running! I had the target of creating a very simple, readable, and practical website. I hope I achieved so. The website is coded in XHTML 1.0 Strict and has passed the W3C test. Any style formatting is taken care by a CSS file. I also tried to avoid tables, using divs instead. Hope you enjoy.

For though it be true that I am principally in pursuit of works and the active department of the sciences, yet I wait for harvest-time, and do not attempt to mow the moss or to reap the green corn.

Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1620