Class SoldierUnit


class SoldierUnit
extends Unit

The unit that represents a soldier. Default statistics are: health - 50, armor - 10, firepower - 15, movement range - 2, type - "Soldier" , passableTerrain = {grass, forest}

Field Summary
(package private)  boolean superSoldier
(package private) static javax.swing.ImageIcon unitIcon
Fields inherited from class Unit
armor, attacked, cost, firepower, forest, health, maxHealth, moved, movementRange, nextUnit, number, passableTerrain, posx, posy, prevx, prevy, type, unitIcon, water
Constructor Summary
SoldierUnit(int x, int y)
Method Summary
 boolean isSuperSoldier()
 void makeSuperSoldier()
          makes the soldier a super soldier by altering statistics.
Methods inherited from class Unit
addPassableTerrain, getArmor, getCost, getFirePower, getHealth, getIcon, getMaxHealth, getMovementRange, getNext, getNumber, getOldX, getOldY, getPositionX, getPositionY, getType, hasAttacked, hasMoved, isPassable, setAttacked, setHealth, setIcon, setMoved, setNext, setNumber, setPositionX, setPositionY, takeDamage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static javax.swing.ImageIcon unitIcon


boolean superSoldier
Constructor Detail


public SoldierUnit()


public SoldierUnit(int x,
                   int y)
Method Detail


public boolean isSuperSoldier()


public void makeSuperSoldier()
makes the soldier a super soldier by altering statistics.