CS594: Network Design Spring 2017



Week Date Topic Readings
1 1/10 class canceled  
1 1/12 course overview How to read a paper
2 1/17 End-to-End Principle end2end-paper


2 1/19 A scalable, commodity data center network architecture [Balajee]
3 1/24 pFabric: Minimal Near-Optimal Datacenter Transport [Hamed Rezaei]
3 1/26 Presto: Edge-based Load Balancing for Fast Datacenter Networks [Muhammad Usama]
4 1/31 EyeQ: Practical Network Performance Isolation at the Edge [Balajee]
4 2/2 CONGA: Distributed Congestion-Aware Load Balancing for Datacenters [Moumita Samanta]
5 2/7 Datacenter TCP (DCTCP) [Saumya Solanki]
5 2/9 Inside the Social Network’s (Datacenter) Network [Balajee]


6 2/14 Introduction to SDN and OpenFlow [Balajee]
6 2/16 BlindBox: Deep Packet Inspection over Encrypted Traffic [Xing Li]
7 2/21 The Design and Implementation of Open vSwitch [Muhammad Usama]
7 2/23 PacketShader: a GPU-Accelerated Software Router [Saumya Solanki]
8 2/28 Raising the Bar for Using GPUs in Software Packet Processing [Hamed Rezaei]
8 3/2 XFabric: A Reconfigurable In-Rack Network for Rack-Scale Computers [Moumita Samanta]


9 3/4 Polaris: Faster Page Loads Using Fine-grained Dependency Tracking [Xing Li]