Assignments completed outside of the main lecture period come in two flavors: homework assignments, which are relatively substantial programming tasks, and lab worksheets, which must be completed on the day they are made available (this will always be Fridays - the day of lab section). Lab worksheets are relatively straightforward and are designed to assist you in completing the homework assignments. Lab worksheets are due the day they are assigned no matter what. Submitting homework assignments late is strongly discouraged. You may turn in up to two homeworks one day late without penalty. To use this late day, you must fill out the late submission form before the assignment is due. The late submission form is here. Deadlines are strict: if a homework is due at 8:00 pm, a submission with a timestamp of 8:01 pm or later will be marked as late. Be sure to submit early! Homeworks that are submitted late without using a late day will not be graded. In order to use one of your late days, fill out the form before the homework is due.

If there is an exceptional reason (such as a severe illness) that you will not be able to complete an assignment or take a test, talk to me immediately, and prior to the deadline. Unless you are literally incapable of contacting me for the entirety of the situation (or having someone else contact me for you), I will not be able to give you any consideration for even the most legitimate circumstances. I handle all of these situations on a case-by-case basis.