
Meets: MWF 3 PM - 3:50 PM Lecture Center D Room 2 Instructor: Chris Kanich
Book: Kurose and Ross - Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition
Office Hours: 4 PM Monday & Wednesday
Office: SEO 1220
Discussion: CS 450 Piazza

TA: Xiang Huo
Office: SEO 1309 Office Hours: 10:00AM - 12:00PM Friday


Class has moved - it is now in Lecture Center D Room 2

This semester, CS450 is sponsored by Amazon Web Services. Amazon has generously allotted us AWS cloud credit that will allow students to run free virtual machines in the cloud for homework, testing, and research purposes. All students in CS 450 will receive their virtual machine credentials during the first week of class.